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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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May 1st, 2020

Harvey smiles as he watches Mia curl her hair, admiring how easily she can do it without being able to see the back of her head. He waited until she was finished to stand up and wrap his arms around her middle, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Hm, what was that for?" She asks softly as she separates the curls so they look fuller.

"I just wanted to give you a kiss." Harvey shrugs as she stops what she was doing to turn around in his grip, pressing their lips together. He deepened the kiss by pulling her closer, taking her by surprise but it went better than he expected.

"I need to finish my hair." Mia whispers when she pulls away, Harvey not wanting the kiss to end.

"Can I try?" He asks, Mia nodding hesitantly as she shows him what to do, giving him a strand of hair to try it with. He does it with ease, the curl turning out bouncy just the way he wanted it to be. He grins as he hands the straighteners back to Mia, the girl finishing off her curls in the next fifteen minutes whilst he waits around.

"This is why I don't curl my hair." Mia laughs as she soothes her aching hand.

"You look pretty." Harvey smiles softly as she moves her hair behind her shoulder.

"Can you see the purple?" She asks him, watching him nod through the reflection in the mirror.

"I think that's just taken you an hour." Harvey laughs as he checks the time on his phone.

"Most likely, I need to get my haircut short again." Mia says, her hair falling down to the middle of her ribcage when it usually stops at her shoulders.

"I think long-haired Mia has more confidence." Harvey admits as she slips her white Air Forces on.

"Oh really?" Mia asks, squinting her eyes at him softly.

"Yes really." He smirks as she rolls her eyes. Once Mia was done with her shoes, the two of them went downstairs to eat breakfast, which was a bowl of fruit for Mia and some cereal for Harvey.

"Millie your hair looks lovely." Sara compliments as she looks up from her phone.

"Thank you." Mia smiles softly before the two of them finish eating. Mia washes the dishes as Harvey stares at her, Max noticing how he couldn't take his eyes off the girl. Max rolls his eyes at him and slaps his arm lightly, bringing Harvey out of his admiring session.

"Are we going for a walk or not?" Mia asks Harvey after she'd looked outside and seen the sun shining.

"Up to you." Harvey says as she nods. The two of them leave the house hand-in-hand, making their way down a few streets before they reach a field. Harvey gets his phone out and secretly records Mia frolicing around the field like an idiot, her hair flowing in the breeze. He smiles and puts it on his Instagram Story, making sure to tag her before he puts his phone away and runs over to her. He picks her up over his shoulder, the two of them laughing as he runs around with her. When he puts her down on the ground, she kisses him softly before running away from him, Harvey smiling to himself. Mia looks up briefly to see the sky covered in dark grey clouds, sighing at the weather change considering it took her so long to do her hair this morning.

"Harv, it's gonna rain." Mia complains as Harvey looks up at the sky himself.

"Let's head back home then." Harvey suggests as he holds his hand out for Mia to take. She takes it, the boy pulling her to his side as they begin walking home. It only took 5 minutes for the rain to start, both of them nowhere near reaching home. Once the rain had picked up and they reached the street where Harvey's house was, they sprinted to the door and walked inside both dripping with water.

"Oh my lord." Sara's mouth drops open at how wet they both were.

"Pass me both your shoes and go get showers." Sara informs as Mia slips her shoes off and hands them to her. She runs upstairs first, reaching the bathroom on the last floor before Harvey could. Once she'd showered, washed her hair and changed into her pyjamas, she took her clothes downstairs so Sara could wash them.

"The one day I had curly hair." Mia whines as Sara laughs.

"How long did it take you?" Sara asks as she sighs.

"Over an hour." Mia laughs as Sara smiles.

"If you ever need help, I'm downstairs." Sara comments, a smile breaking out on Mia's face.

"Thank you." She replies just as Harvey gets downstairs.

"Sorry about your hair." Harvey frowns as Mia shrugs.

"It was nice while it lasted." Mia smiles as he wraps his arms around her shoulder, head resting on top of hers.

"Happy 1 year guys!" Leo exclaims as Sara looks at her youngest son.

"Thank you Leo." Mia smiles as Harvey kisses her cheek, moving his head so it was resting on her shoulder instead.

"It's already been a year?" Sara asks in shock as Harvey nods. Sara smiles contently before she disappears from the kitchen, leaving the happy couple alone.

"Happy 1 year Juliet." Harvey grins as he holds the rose pendant on her necklace between his fingers briefly.

"Happy 1 year Harv." She grins before pressing a kiss to his lips.

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