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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 24th, 2019

"Is everything okay?" Mia asks frantically, looking at him starting at his feet to see if he'd been injured. When she reaches his face, she notices the sly grin on his face, humour in his eyes as he looks at her worried state. Mia furrows her eyebrows at him in curiosity and annoyance as she tilts her head to the side like a lost puppy.

"What did you call me over for?" She whispers as he smiles at her, the smile not leaving his face the entire time. He pulls her closer to him, looking at her with pure and genuine adoration before he looks up, the mistletoe hanging just between them. Mia follows his gaze, instantly understanding why he was being so cheeky as she shakes her head with a smile. She looks back at him, the two of them blushing softly as Mia bites her lip.

"You're a cheeky little bugger." Mia comments as he laughs softly.

"Rules are Rules." Harvey states, shrugging his shoulders before his signature smirk makes its way back onto his face.

"Are they now?" Mia laughs, looking at her feet as she does so.

"What am I gonna do with you Mills?" Mia asks him with a gleaming smile, watching him smile deviously.

"Maybe you could kiss me." He says softly as she looks at him.

"Well what happens if I don't want to?" Mia jokes, watching his smile fall.

"Wait, you don't want to?" He asks sadly as she laughs.

"I'm kidding, Harv, you're very easy to prank aren't you?" Mia giggles, watching his smile return.

"C'mere silly." She speaks softly before pressing her lips to his softly. He kisses back, one of his hands on her back and the other holding her cheek softly.

"I will never get tired of doing that." Harvey whispers to her when she pulls away.

"I hope not." Mia laughs as he lies down on the sofa, one of his legs on the floor and the other on the top of the sofa. Mia sits cross-legged in between his legs, the two of them looking at each other silently for a moment.

"Does your Dad know you're here?" Harvey asks as she nods.

"He said he'd rather have me out of the house than in." Mia laughs as Harvey furrows his eyebrows.

"Why is he like that with you?" Harvey continues as she shrugs.

"He always has been, I used to think it was because I was a naughty kid but my Nana told me he wasn't even around for that. He stopped always being there when I was like 2 and it's still the same 15 years later." Mia replies, twirling her thumbs around one another to comfort herself.

"We don't have to talk about this if it upsets you, I was just curious." Harvey panics a little as she shakes her head.

"I don't mind, sometimes it's nice to express my feelings about it." Mia smiles sadly as he looks at her.

"I just feel like sometimes it's my fault, and now I don't have my Nana around to comfort me it makes me feel worse." Mia sniffles as Harvey sits up, placing his thumb under her chin to make her look at him.

"I'm here for you, always. No matter what time or day, you have my phone number and most importantly you know where the front door is. My family loves you, they don't mind if you come here without being invited Juliet." Harvey speaks softly as she smiles.

"Thank you love." Mia smiles softly as the cool breeze finally settles into the cabin.

"Anyway, let's take your mind off it. How's college going?" Harvey asks as Mia laughs softly.

"That Kieran guy who sits next to me is being weird, like he won't stop trying to see my messages or notifications whenever my phone lights up." Mia informs as Harvey furrows his eyebrows.

"You can change it so no one can see what the notification says in the settings, it just comes up with the app." Harvey replies as Mia looks at him.

"Wait how?" Mia laughs as she hands Harvey her phone. He opens it with her password, knowing her Face ID wouldn't work on him, going straight to settings and changing it so her notifications don't show.

"You're a life-saver, now he won't see the messages you're sending me." Mia says as Harvey smiles, returning to his original lying down position.

"Does he say anything about me?" Harvey asks as she looks at him.

"He's convinced that you're like 21 for some reason, I don't think he knows I'm older than you." Mia teases as Harvey rolls his eyes.

"Only by 6 days." Harvey whines as she laughs.

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