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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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November 25th, 2020

"You know when we're married, can we get a farm?" Harvey speaks out loud, Mia turning to look at him with a confused face.

"For starters, we're 17, and secondly, you've got a music career, I'm not sitting at home looking after cows." She narrows her eyes at him.

"Can we at least get a farm of ducks?" Harvey questions.

"You've got 6 already." She responds, the boy moving off of the sofa so he could check on them.

"I badly want them to hatch." Harvey exclaims, Mia getting up to go stand beside him.

"They will soon, you're not very patient are you?" Mia looks at him, the boy smiling in response.

"Not really." He responds.

"What are you gonna name them?" She questions, moving to sit on the sofa.

"No clue." Harvey shrugs.

"Well why don't you ask Max to come here so you can think of some names." Mia suggests, Harvey thinking momentarily before texting Max.

"You're lazy as well." She pushes him softly.

"It's quicker." He shrugs, watching her roll her eyes.

"It's just lazy, Harv, don't try and persuade me otherwise." Mia pokes his side, the boy rolling his eyes before pecking her lips.

"Welcome." Harvey says as Max walks into the living room.

"This isn't a hotel you weirdo, he's your twin." Mia laughs, Max sitting on the sofa also.

"Okay, so we need to think of names for the ducks." Harvey looks at Max.

"Yes, I've got some good ones." Max beams.

"We'll see." Harvey responds, Mia moving so her legs are sprawled across his lap.

"What about Bobby?" Max suggests.

"No, that's weird." Harvey shakes his head.

"How are you so sure what gender they are?" Mia looks up from her phone, the two looking at one another before looking at her.

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now