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August 31st, 2019

Mia sighs in relief after she finishes packing her suitcase, zipping it with great struggle as her doorbell goes off. She runs downstairs and goes to the front door, opening it to reveal a very smiley Harvey.

"Hey gorgeous." Harvey grins as she smiles at him, letting him inside the house. The two of them go up to her room as she cleans up the random bits of clothes she decided she wouldn't take with her to Manchester. Harvey notices the suitcase in the corner of the room, furrowing his eyebrows as Mia puts her hair straighteners and hairdryer in their bag before putting them on top of her suitcase.

"Where are you going?" Harvey asks as she looks at him.

"Manchester, I told you months ago I was going. Mia says as Harvey watches her put a few more things on top of her suitcase.

"Why are you going to Manchester?" Harvey continues as she ties her hair back.

"For college." Mia furrows her eyebrows as she looked at her doe-eyed boyfriend who looked utterly confused.

"I didn't tell you did I?" Mia bites her lip with a look of shock and regret on her face.

"You're going to Manchester for college?" Harvey asks as she nods.

"I got in just before we left school, I must've told Dobby and not you." Mia says as he frowns.

"Why so far away?" Harvey questions as she sits beside him.

"I really only applied on a whim and then they offered me a place for Art. Lucee got a new job up there so I'm staying with her, plus it gets me away from my Dad as much as possible." Mia says as he looks at her with pure sadness in his eyes.

"Hey, you'll still see me. You do come to Manchester quite often, I just can't stay in Berkshire any longer with my dad being the way he is with me." Mia sighs as Harvey nods.

"I'm just a bit upset that you didn't tell me earlier." Harvey looks at her as she nods.

"At least you got the whole summer with me Harv." Mia replies as he smiles.

"When do you leave?" Harvey asks as she moves some of the loose pieces of her hair out of her face.

"Tomorrow afternoon." Mia responds as Harvey nods.

"Well at least you told me and didn't just leave without saying goodbye." Harvey says as she wraps her arms around his shoulders softly.

"I have a phone, a new phone too, you know I'll always text you if I need you." Mia says softly as he smiles, nodding into her shoulder and enjoying basking in her warmth.

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now