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January 30th, 2019

Harvey smiles as the bell for his next lesson goes off, moving from his seat and leaving as fast as humanly possible so he could see Mia in Drama. He walks down the English block, walking past Katie, Jaiden and Sammi when he notices Katie wearing a necklace extremely similar to the one he bought Mia. He furrows his eyebrows as she smirks at him, Katie making it known that she was wearing the necklace before she walks off. Harvey continues his trip to Drama, throwing his bag down near Mia's and sitting beside her as she goes quiet.

He glances at her as she looks down at her hands, noticing the silver chain you could usually see missing from her neck.

"Juliet?" Harvey asks as Mia looks up at him.

"Hm?" Mia responds, watching him tilt his head a little like a lost puppy.

"I saw you wearing your necklace this morning, where is it now?" Harvey continues, watching her struggle to find the words to reply to him.

"Because I just saw Katie wearing the exact same one earlier on and I was a little worried that you'd lost it or something." Harvey finishes as she looks back down at the floor. She finally realises that it was Katie who took her necklace when she thinks about it for long enough, a sadness washing over her.

"I'm so sorry." Mia says as Harvey furrows his eyebrows.

"I took it off for PE after the teacher caught me with it on and when I came back it wasn't in my pocket but now I've just realised Katie must've taken it out of my pocket." Mia stumbles over her words as Harvey's face saddens.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Harvey softens, wrapping his arms around the girl tightly.

"I feel bad now, I just didn't have the heart to tell you 'cause I figured you'd be upset with me." Mia whispers as he comforts her.

"It's not your fault, I promise." Harvey whispers as Lucee watches them from afar.

When the bell goes at the end of the lesson. Harvey grabs Mia's bag for her and hands it to her, grabbing her hand and walking out of the classroom holding it. Mia felt butterflies erupt in her stomach as she and Harvey walked the halls holding hands, Harvey grinning as a few of his friends walked by. Katie walks past, trying her hardest to catch his attention by playing with the necklace he bought for Mia but neither of them seem phased by it and it annoyed Katie to the max.

"I'll see you after school." Harvey grins, kissing her cheek softly before she walks into Art in complete shock.

"Someone's seen a ghost." Sammi jokes as Mia smiles softly.

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now