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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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November 13th, 2020

"You've got like 5 minutes before I set off." Mia calls, the twins running around the house trying to get ready. Mia stood at the bottom of the stairs leaning against the railing, scrolling through her Instagram before deciding to post a photo. She captions the photo 'pink hair bc harvey was upset with his' and tagged him in the photo before uploading it to the app, the girl putting her phone back in her pocket when Max races downstairs.

"Shotgun!" Max shouts, listening to Harvey shout something back in frustration.

"Lord save you whenever you get a girlfriend." Mia laughs, the girl moving off the stairs to grab her car keys.

"Hurry up." Mia shouts, Harvey racing downstairs in a matter of seconds. Mia walks outside and unlocks her car, Max swiftly moving past Harvey to get into the passenger seat whilst Mia sits in the driver's seat. Harvey makes his way to the passenger side and stands there waiting for Max to move.

"Max move." Harvey huffs.

"I called shotgun." Max frowns.

"She's my girlfriend, I get the priority seating, right Mia?" Harvey responds sassily.

"Rules are rules, Harvey." Mia calls, the boy's face dropping in shock. He huffs and gets in the back seat and sits in the middle, the boy clicking his seatbelt shut before Mia pulls out of the driveway. Max connects his phone to bluetooth and starts playing music from his phone, him and Mia having an occasional conversation on the drive up to Manchester. Harvey was ignoring them the entire time, the boy having his airpods connected to his laptop whilst he watched Strictly.

Once Mia pulled up outside of the hotel and told Harvey to duck down so she could see out of the back window whilst she was reversing, she parked the car and turned off the ignition. Harvey didn't waste anytime grabbing his bag and getting out of the car, walking over to the hotel in a huff. Max and Mia give each other a knowing look before they both get out of the car themselves, the rain beginning to pick up as Mia locked her car and ran inside after Max.

"Room cards for Mills please." Harvey says to the receptionist as Mia and Max come through the hotel lobby and make their way to Harvey, the receptionist asking them for a form of ID. Both boys show the woman at the desk their ID before they're handed the room keys, Mia barely able to get her key from the woman when she notices Harvey had stormed off to the elevator.

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