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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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August 26th, 2019

Mia furrows her eyebrows as her doorbell goes off, completely throwing her off her train of thought as she walks to the door to see who was outside. When she opens the door, she's immediately hit with a hug from a very excited Tilly as Harvey smiles at her.

"Oh, I forgot you guys were here today." Mia says as Harvey laughs.

"Well here we are." Harvey smiles as she lets them both inside her house. Harvey gives her a sweet kiss before she walks to find Tilly standing there with a shy smile.

"Uh, we'll go to my room in case I break something in the kitchen and get sued by my own Father." Mia informs, Harvey laughing as she runs upstairs, the Mills siblings following her. Harvey shuts the door behind him as Tilly sits in front of Mia on the floor, Mia already doing french braids in the little girl's hair. Harvey smiles as he lies on the bed beside Mia, watching as his girlfriend plaits his younger sister's hair.

"I bet you were always the girl people asked to get their hair done, weren't you?" Harvey asks as she nods.

"Always, never got away from it in Primary School." Mia laughs as Harvey smiles.

"Reckon mines still too short?" Harvey asks as Mia looks at him briefly.

"I think so." Mia responds as he frowns. Mia finishes off Tilly's hair moments later, adding in little hair ties with bows on at the bottom as Tilly thanks her. Tilly sits down at Mia's desk as Mia lies down on her back, Harvey kissing her hand softly.

"Bubby, what's this?" Tilly asks as Mia sits up, looking at the youngest Mills who was holding up Mia's colour corrector.

"That's colour correcting stuff for my spots whenever I put foundation on." Mia says as she stands up.

"Is this foundation?" Tilly asks as Mia nods.

"I've never seen you in a full face of makeup, have I?" Harvey asks as Mia nods watching him furrow his eyebrows.

"I was wearing everything but the foundation for prom love." Mia informs as he nods.

"Can you do my makeup?" Tilly asks as Mia looks at the little girl before looking at Harvey.

"You can but she can't have it on when she goes home or I'll get in trouble." Harvey says as Mia nods.

"We'll not use foundation or concealer because you don't need it." Mia says as she sits across from Tilly, grabbing out a few of her eyeshadow brushes. Harvey watches as his girlfriend puts makeup on Tilly, getting a little jealous that he wasn't involved. He moves so he's sat on the edge of the bed, leaning on his hand that was resting on his knee as Mia looks over at him.

"What?" Mia smiles as he looks at his feet before looking at Tilly.

"He wants to join in!" Tilly giggles as Mia finishes doing her eyeshadow.

"You want to do Bubba's makeup or?" Mia says as Harvey shakes his head.

"Do my makeup." Harvey says as she smiles.

"Let me finish Tilly off then." Mia responds as Harvey nods. She finishes doing Tilly's makeup, Tilly gleaming with delight as she swaps seats with Harvey.

"So, I've decided to let Mia do my makeup." Harvey says to his phone as he turns the camera around to face Mia.

"Well you wanted me to do your makeup, there's a difference between letting me and wanting me Harv." She says as Harvey turns his phone camera to him and makes a devious look before he stops recording., He uploads it to his Snapchat story as Mia squirts some foundation on the back of her hand.

"Woah woah woah." Harvey spoke as Mia looks up at him.

"I'm giving you the full effect, Harv." Mia bubbles before applying the foundation to his face. She does concealer and powder next before switching to eyeshadow.

"Since red is your favourite colour, I'll do red." Mia says as Harvey smiles, kissing the hand that she wasn't using. When she finished doing the red eyeshadow, she added a darker red to the corner before applying eyeliner which turned out messier than expected because Harvey wouldn't stop moving around.

"What's that?" Harvey asks as she opens the tube of mascara.

"Do you want to be pretty or not?" Mia asks as Harvey gasps in fake offence.

"Oh bugger off, you know you're cute." Mia says as she leans forward and does his mascara. She finishes off with highlight and blush, pulling back to reveal a very makeup filled Harvey Mills.

"Oh my you look better than I do." Mia laughs as Harvey looks in the mirror.

"Not a chance." Harvey says as she realises she forgot her signature lipgloss. She pulls it out of the drawer and turns him to face her again, applying the lipgloss to his lips before officially finishing.

"Right, so this is what Mia's done to me." Harvey says as he shows himself off on snapchat.

"It's a sad life you lead when your own boyfriend looks better than you do in a full face of makeup." Mia laughs as Harvey pulls her into his side, his side pressed against Mia's stomach.

"She's done a good job but I would like this to be off my face now." Harvey says as she laughs. He stops recording and puts it onto his story, sending it to his Mum for her to see before Mia wipes his face down with a wipe.

"You managed to get foundation on my shirt." Mia says as Harvey notices the line of makeup down her shirt.

"Oh sorry." Harvey laughs as she shrugs.

"It'll wash off, don't worry." Mia grins as she finishes taking off his makeup.

"You look good as a girl, maybe you should've been Juliet." Mia jokes as he kisses her softly.

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