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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 24th, 2019

"Can we go inside? It's a little chilly." Mia asks softly as Harvey nods.

"I'll meet you inside, let me just clean up." Harvey responds, pecking her lips quickly before she makes her way inside to warm up. She plonks herself between Max and Leo, shutting her eyes briefly before looking over at the TV.

"Where'd you get off too?" Max queries as she looks at her boyfriend's twin.

"We were just in the cabin." Mia shrugs as he nods.

"Did he do the mistletoe?" Max laughs as she nods.

"How'd you know?" Mia laughs too as Max smiles.

"He told me he was gonna do it last night and I told him it wouldn't work, but clearly it did," Max responds as she shakes her head with a smile.

"He's cheeky." Mia comments as his twin nods in agreement.

Harvey walks into the kitchen a few minutes after Mia sits down, pouring some hot chocolate mix into two mugs before turning on the hob to warm up the milk. Sara walks into the kitchen after walking downstairs, grabbing a plate from the cupboard. Sara looks at her son who was concentrating on the drinks he was making as she puts the plate down on the counter.

She watches as her son makes the drinks for him and his girlfriend, making sure to put an extra marshmallow on Mia's before he goes to pick them up.

"Harv." Sara says, stopping her son dead in his tracks.

"Tilly is inbed and I don't want her waking up again until morning." Sara begins as her son looks at him with curiosity, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Millie can sleep in your room tonight." She adds as Harvey begins to smile, knowing he can fall asleep with Mia in his arms.

"But, I don't want any funny business going on in that room, you hear me?" Sara warns as Harvey holds his arms up in surrender, even though he never had any intentions of doing anything like that. Sara nods, walking back into the living room with a plate of Christmas Cookies, Leo moving to the sofa where his Mum and Dad sat so Harvey could sit with Mia when he got back in. Harvey dances a little before picking the drinks up and taking them inside, handing Mia the one with the extra marshmallow as she smiles softly, thanking him. He kisses her forehead as he sits down beside her, Max saying something out of jealousy at the hot chocolates he made for them before getting up to go make his own.

Harvey smiles as he looks at Mia who takes a sip from the cup, whipped cream sitting on the edge of her nose. He leans over and wipes it off for her, Mia kissing his hand softly before she leans back.

"Why are you so smiley?" Mia asks as Harvey grins yet again, trying his hardest not to look like he's slept with a hanger in his mouth.

"You're staying with me tonight so Tilly doesn't wake up." Harvey whispers to her, repeating his Mother's words. Mia glances over at Sara to see if it was true, Sara nodding with a soft smile as Mia smiles herself. She didn't mind sharing a room with Tilly usually because it meant she could get some early nights in, but she was clearly excited to fall asleep with Harvey tonight.

"I'm back, thanks for the hot chocolate Harvey." Max mocks as Mia laughs.

"You'll get over it eventually." Harvey pats his brother on the back

After another hour of laughs and dodgy television, everyone decides to make their way upstairs tiredly. Max looks at Mia who was half-asleep on Harvey's chest, deciding to poke her side which made her jolt up and nearly made Harvey spill his drink.

"Sorry, it was an easy shot." Max laughs as she pokes him back, earning the same reaction.

"I swear on your life Max Luca Mills if you poke me again I will not hesitate to tickle you." Mia warns, watching him go to poke her again. She moves again before moving her hands to tickle Max, the boy laughing and begging her to stop.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry." Max breathes as she stops.

"Watch your back Mills." She jokes as she stands up, her legs feeling a little like jelly.

"We're gonna go upstairs now Max." Harvey comments as Max furrows his eyebrows but nods anyway. Harvey puts his glass in the sink before he and Mia make their way to his room, Harvey's hand not leaving hers the entire walk to his room. She lies down on his bed as he picks up a few things off the floor, throwing them into the corner so he didn't trip over them.

Once they were settled in his bed, Harvey wrapped his arm around Mia as she cuddled into his side, her head resting on his chest. He puts on Cars 3, the only one they hadn't watched together, Mia trying her hardest to watch it but failing miserably when her eyes start fluttering. It only took Harvey another 15 minutes to notice that she was tired when he looked at her, deciding to turn the film off so she wasn't woken by any loud noises randomly.

"You're so cute when you're dopey." Harvey whispers as he laughs quietly.

"You know when I sat next to you in History in Year 9, I genuinely fancied you so much to the point where I would dream about you and think it was real." Harvey continues whispering as Mia's grip hand on his waist falls limp. He continues whisper-talking to her for about 15 minutes, looking at her when he paused to see she was fast asleep and hadn't heard a thing he said. He smiles, getting fully under the covers carefully so he didn't wake her up, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

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