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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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May 14th, 2020

Harvey laughs as he sits in front of Mia, the Instagram Live on his phone throwing cute comments out at them both whilst they sat together. Mia raked her hands through his soft purple hair, her nails making it feel like he's having a massage.

"If you do this I'll be shocked." Harvey says, looking at her briefly.

"I can't do it if your head isn't straight, silly." Mia scolds playfully as he laughs. He faces the camera again as she parts his hair down the middle the best she could without having a comb. She ties one side off so it doesn't get in her way before sectioning it into three, preparing to french plait his hair.

"Wait, do you want French or Dutch?" Mia asks him like he actually knows the difference.

"French." Harvey shrugs unknowingly as she begins the process. After five minutes of struggling and hair coming loose, she gives up and takes the other hair tie out, ruffling his hair so he didn't have curtains.

"It's still too short." Mia confesses as he frowns.

"Give it a month and it'll be perfect." Mia continues as he nods, getting up from the floor to sit beside her.

"They're asking where your earrings are from." Harvey laughs as she furrowed her eyebrows momentarily.

"I got them from Etsy, can't remember who made them though. I'll put the link on my Instagram Story for you." Mia replies to their ongoing questions as Harvey smirks.

"Shameless plug for your Instagram. Her username is @miaparky by the way." Harvey says as she rolls her eyes.

"That wasn't a self-promo, Harvey, people from your account follow me all the time anyway." Mia shrugs as he laughs.

"So you're stealing followers, how rude!" Harvey pretends to be offended as she laughs.

"Not true." Mia responds as he looks at her.

"The purple is fading." Harvey says as he pulls a strand of the purple out for people to see.

"You just messed my hair up." Mia whines as he grins cheekily. She takes her hair down from her ponytail and shakes it about for a second, putting it back into her natural middle part as Harvey admires her.

"She dyed my hair purple for me, hence why she also has purple hair." Harvey answers a question from a fan as he shakes his hair about, raking his hand through it to get it out of his face. Mia feels her phone buzz, the girl taking it from under her leg to see a few messages from the College group chat. She opens the chat on iMessage to see a picture of Luke with blonde hair that wasn't toned whatsoever.

"Luke tried bleaching his hair from black and it's gone ginger." Mia shows Harvey, the two of them laughing at the photo before she replies to the messages.

"What hair colour did he have naturally? I don't think I've ever seen it." Harvey asks as she puts her phone back under her leg on silent.

"He's a natural brunette but he's been bleaching and dying it for like 5 years." Mia shrugs, unsure herself at how long he'd been doing his hair.

Harvey continues answering some questions, Mia joining in every so often considering they were also asking her questions. Once Harvey had given people a motivational speech about school and how it helped him, he goes onto doing some covers.

"People are asking us to do a duet." Harvey says as Mia laughs, shaking her head.

"I'm the Artist, he's the singer." Mia grins as he moves the camera so it's by his Piano. Mia gets out her sketchbook and starts annotating some of her work whilst Harvey sang to the audience.

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