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Amelia Noelle Parkinson
December 25th, 2002
Berkshire, England

Amelia Noelle ParkinsonDecember 25th, 2002Berkshire, England

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Cara Louise Sheridan
May 16th, 2003
Berkshire, England

Cara Louise SheridanMay 16th, 2003Berkshire, England

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Harvey Kitt Mills
December 31st, 2002
Berkshire, England

Harvey Kitt MillsDecember 31st, 2002Berkshire, England

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Max Luca Mills
December 31st, 2002
Berkshire, England

Max Luca MillsDecember 31st, 2002Berkshire, England

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September 5th, 2018

Mia smiles as she walks into Drama, putting her bag down with everyone else's before making her way to her seat. It wasn't technically her seat, but no one else sat there so she always sat there instead. The boy that usually sat next to her, Harvey, was late today which was unusual considering he was always the first one there. Harvey smiles at the brunette as he walks over and sits beside her, saying hello to each other quietly before the teacher begins.

"Alright! Today you'll be put in your exam pairs, and you'll be getting the production you will be performing together. We'll start with the first pair, Jaiden and Sammi." Miss Greenhall says as the two smile.

"You guys will be doing An Inspector Calls with the next pair, which will be George and Luke." She continues as the girls smile, looking at Mia trying to make her jealous, which doesn't work.

"Our second to last pair is Kaia and Max, you guys will be doing Macbeth." Miss Greenhall says as Mia looks at Harvey.

"Looks like you're stuck with me." She grins as Harvey smiles at her.

"Can't be too bad can it?" Harvey returns the happy tone as Miss Greenhall looks at them.

Mia knew Miss Greenhall, who's name was Lucee, personally, as it was the woman her own Father was dating. Lucee was always keen on Mia, and considering her Father was never around, Lucee looked after the girl like she was her own. Mia saw her own Mum sometimes, but would rather look up to Lucee than her Mum because Lucee was always around for her.

"And our last pair is of course Miss Mia and Harvey, you guys will be doing Romeo and Juliet." Miss Greenhall says as the students nod.

"I'll give you a few moments to plan before I go through everything else." Lucee continues as Harvey turns his body to face Mia. Mia brings her legs up to the chair and crosses them, looking at the brunette boy sat in front of her.

"I reckon I should play Romeo and you can be Juliet." Mia says as Harvey laughs.

"I'm sure that can be arranged." Harvey responds as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Alright, which production version are we gonna do Romeo?" Mia asks as he thinks for a second.

"Leonardo DiCaprio version?" Harvey queries as she nods.

"My favourite one." Mia grins as he laughs.

"It's a good job I chose that one then, isn't it?" He responds as she looks at her nails for a brief second before pulling her hair behind her ears.

"Did you know your hair is stuck up at the back?" Mia asks as he looks at her.

"No I didn't. Awh I bet it's been like that all morning." Harvey whines as she reaches up and flattens it down for him.

"There you go." She grins as Jaiden and Sammi watch them both in shock and confusion.

"Thank you." Harvey smiles as Miss Greenhall gets their attention again.

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now