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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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June 28th, 2020

"It's 5:45 and we're already in the car." Max laughs as his phone sits in a stand connected to his car window.

"This is what we like to call a very tired Max, Cara's nearly gone and Mia's already asleep." Harvey replies as they both laugh. They had set off on their 'roadtrip' at 5 am, Mia not realising that going to sleep at 3 am the same morning was going to affect her as much as it did. Cara was fast asleep in the passenger seat of the car, Max in the driver's seat with Harvey and Mia in the back. Harvey offered to drive the way there but with both of them being so tired, Max told him that they could drive the way back.

At around 8 am when they were halfway to their destination, everyone was fully awake and ready to eat so Max stopped at a service station and went through the McDonald's drive thru.

"Alright, here's the Sausage and Egg McMuffin, Hashbrown and the Banana Milkshake." Max says as he hands Mia her food.

"I'm convinced you're weird, who the fuck gets Banana?" Cara asks as Mia laughs.

"You got a coke at 8 am, Cara, it's too early." Mia replies as they sit in the McDonald's parking lot eating their breakfast.

"Stick some music on Cara." Harvey exclaims as she connects her phone to the car, logging into her Spotify and choosing her Liked Songs playlist. Cara looks at Mia and smiles when one of their favourite songs comes on, the two of them singing along to it in between eating.

"Just me who doesn't know the lyrics?" Max asks as Harvey high-fives him.

"This was our Art song, Mia would put it on whenever we were struggling to get through the lesson." Cara says as Max finishes eating. They throw away all of their rubbish before Max sets off driving again, the four of them spending the next two hours getting themselves hyped up.

"And we're here." Max says as he parks the car.

"Let's go then." Cara replies as they get out of the car. Harvey pulls Mia over to him, holding her hand in his securely as they walk around Keswick Town Centre. They stop at a corner shop for another drink, Mia not getting one considering she still had the milkshake from earlier this morning.

"If Dobby was with us right now he'd have the best photos for his college work." Mia says as they start walking down a dirt trail to get to Derwent Water. Once they reach the large lake, Mia encourages Cara to stand on the dock, to which she refuses as it looked rickety.

"I'll do it." Harvey says as he runs right to the edge, the wooden bridge creaking with each step he took.

"Harvey if I were you I would come back here." Max warns him nervously, not wanting the boy to end up drenched and then having to drive back home completely soaked in lake water. Harvey shakes his head and stays on the wooden dock as Mia rolls her eyes, walking on it herself to drag him back to ground.

"Mia." Harvey whines as she pulls him off of the bridge.

"I'm not having you drown in front of my eyes." Mia scolds as he smiles at how protective she was. He wraps his arms around her shoulders and presses a kiss to her neck before Max and Cara set off walking again. Mia and Harvey follow a few minutes behind them holding hands and enjoying each others company before Mia notices Max and Cara holding hands.

"I knew it!" Mia exclaims as the two in front of them stop at her voice, turn around and watch as she and Harvey jump about in excitement.

"What?" Max asks innocently as the couple walk over to them.

"Uh, we're not dumb." Mia smirks before she and Harvey walk past them both, holding hands once again as they continue their walk.

Halfway through, the 4 of them stop for 25 minutes to catch their breath and relieve their legs of pain. Mia and Harvey were stood together on top of a rock, Max and Cara sat on the bench at the bottom of the hill.

"Cara, please will you take a photo of us?" Mia asks as her step-sister stands up to get a photo of the couple in front of her. She hands Mia her phone back, the brunette thanking her the blonde before they all continue walking. Around 3 or so hours later, they make it back to the car and get in, Harvey now driving with Mia in the passenger seat. Mia connects her phone to the car and plays her music as Max and Cara sing along in the backseat.

"Today was nice even if my feet feel like they're going to drop off." Mia says as Harvey stops at a service station so they could have dinner.

"We'll go in and get the usual?" Harvey says as the girls nod. Max and Harvey disappear inside of the fast-food place as Mia turns the music up.

"Where were you, all my life, come on closer and lay it out for me." Mia sings as Cara takes over the next half of the chorus. Harvey watches them belting out songs together with a smile, the twins making their way back to the car moments later with all the food.

"Thank you." Mia grins as she kisses Harvey softly.

"No problem gorgeous." Harvey smiles back at her.

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