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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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July 17th, 2020

"Mia's driving!" Max exclaims excitedly as she grabs her car keys.

"Shotgun!" The twins say in sync, Dobby rolling his eyes.

"Well considering you said it at the same time, Dobby automatically gets shotgun." Mia informs them, watching both boys furrow their eyebrows. Harvey makes puppy-dog eyes at her, tilting his head to the side in hopes she'll let him sit in the passenger seat beside her.

"Aye, that's cheating." Max slaps his brother's chest, causing him to jolt backwards. Mia laughs as she and Dobby walk outside, the two boys following them. Once they were all in Mia's car, Dobby connects his phone to it and starts playing his music as she reverses out of the driveway.

"How can she drive better than both of us combined?" Max asks as she turns around and starts driving properly.

"She's had practice." Harvey rolls his eyes as he leans forward, resting his head on the back of Mia's seat.

"I had like one lesson from my Dad and forgot, I'm not good at driving, I'm just good at reversing." Mia replies to them both.

"Who's gonna win at golf though?" Max retorts sassily.

"I'm gonna win." Dobby intervenes as the twins laugh. Mia stays quiet as she was concentrating on driving so she didn't crash. When they arrive at the golfing grounds, she parks up and makes sure her parking brake was on whilst the three boys got out of the car. Mia collects her phone, sunglasses and keys before getting out herself, Harvey waiting for her whilst Max and Dobby wandered off inside.

"You look nice today." Harvey says as she smiles.

"I had a struggle getting these pants on, I'm not as skinny as I was last year." She frowns, causing her boyfriend to roll his eyes.

"You're still beautiful to me, Juliet." He compliments, stopping her so he could kiss her. Max and Dobby both stop after they realised the couple were nowhere near them, both turning on their feet to see the two kissing in the middle of the car park.

"Oi! Stop snogging and let's go play golf!" Max shouts loudly, Harvey giving him the middle finger before he pulls away from his girlfriend.

"He's gonna kill you later." Dobby laughs as they finally catch up, the four of them walking into the golf place.

"Is Mia actually playing?" Max asks as she looks at him.

"I'm alright." Mia replies, both him and Dobby furrowing their eyebrows at her as Harvey returns from the bathroom.

"What's up with you two?" Harvey asks as he walks past Mia to get to the two boys.

"Mia doesn't wanna play." Max replies as Harvey furrows his eyebrows too.

"Mia are you okay?" Dobby asks, the girl looking up from her phone seconds later.

"Yeah, I'm in the middle of a very long-winded argument with my dad." Mia replies as they all nod.

"You sure you don't wanna play?" Harvey asks her. She nods before looking back down at her phone, her fingers moving across the keyboard rapidly.

Harvey, Max and Dobby end up 'playing' the game of golf, laughing at each others attempts at hitting the ball the farthest whilst Mia sat away from them trying to reason with her dad. Dobby takes some photos of the boys for their Instagram before they finish up, Mia now on the phone with her dad.

"I'm gonna go back to the car." Mia informs them, kissing Harvey quickly before leaving the building. She sits in the drivers seat of her car with the door open, listening to her father talk nonsense about her and Harvey whilst the three boys finished their game. Once they were done, they make their way back to the car to see Mia still on the phone.

"I told you how many times that I've not been home so don't blame me." Mia argues as they approach the car.

"Right whatever, I have to go." Mia sighs as she takes her phone from her ear and ends the call.

"Everything okay?" Harvey asks as he slips into the passenger seat, Dobby and Max getting in the back.

"Yeah everything's fine." Mia nods as she shuts her door. She starts up her car and pulls out of the parking space, driving away from the golf place.

"Oh, I forgot to say, Lucee invited you to their engagement party." Mia informs Harvey as Dobby and Max look at each other with smirks.

"Me?" Harvey asks, watching her nod.

"Lucee invited you, my dad still doesn't want you there but I do so." Mia shrugs, a smile making its way onto his face.

"When is it?" Harvey asks, praying they weren't going to be in France.

"31st of this month." Mia replies, watching him nod.

"I'll go." Harvey smiles.

"Does he have to dress up?" Max asks, leaning forward and wrapping his arms around Mia's headrest.

"Yes he does, otherwise he'll get his arse kicked by my Uncle Tommo." Mia laughs as Dobby leans forward too.

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