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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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January 6th, 2020

Mia sighs as she walks up the steps to college, making sure you could see her ID as she walks in. A few people smile at her and say hi, Mia replying with the same cheery expression as she makes her way into Art and sits down in her seat.

"Ooo you're very tan, Amelia, where've you been?" Joanne, the teacher, asks as Mia looks at her.

"I went on a cruise around the Carribean." Mia responds as Jo smiles.

"You're lovely and tan, I wish I could go away after Christmas." Jo replies as Mia smiles. She quickly replies to Harvey's morning message as the rest of the class make their way in, Kieran sitting down beside Mia with a grin.

"Glad to see you Mia." Kieran bubbles as Mia smiles.

"You too Kieran." She responds as Jo starts teaching. Once she had finished talking about the assignment, Mia puts her Airpods in and turns on her Spotify, Kieran staring at her for a moment as she sketches something out on the paper.

"What're you drawing?" He asks as Mia takes one of her airpods out and puts it away so she could hear him talking.

"A picture of Max and Harvey, the two of them asked me to do it during my next assignment so." Mia answers as Kieran rolls his eyes, Mia noticing the shift in his demeanour as soon as she mentioned Harvey,

"You're still with that kid?" Kieran asks as Mia furrows her eyebrows.

"He's not a kid, he's 17." Mia responds as Kieran scoffs.

"You're older than him." Kieran retorts as Mia gives him a weird look.

"By 6 days, why does that matter?" Mia asks as he shrugs.

"Just weird when the girl is older than the lad." Kieran responds before he puts his earphones in. She scoffs and puts her other earphone in, vibing to One Direction before Jo tells them it's time for their lunch. Mia smiles, grabbing her quarter-done drawing and putting it in her bag as she grabs her phone and walks out of class. She makes her way down to the McDonalds around 10 minutes away, paying for her usual meal and eating it on her own before she makes her way back to college and into art. Mia sits back down beside Kieran and gets out her sketch, continuing to draw on it before she gets a message. She unlocks her phone to answer it, smiling at the stupid voice note Harvey sent her as Kieran looks at her.

"What're you laughing at?" Kieran asks as Mia looks at him.

"Harvey sent me a stupid voice note." Mia responds as Kieran looks at her phone.

"Let me listen." Kieran says as she disconnects her earphones just to let him listen, thankful no one else would hear as the class was quite loud already.

"He's weird." Kieran says after it finishes as Mia rolls her eyes, connecting her earphones back to her phone to listen to her music.

By the end of the day, Mia had finished half of the sketch and was about ready to start on Harvey's face when Jo tells them the day was over. Mia packs up her stuff, putting the sketch in her bag before she makes her way out of class.

"Tell your boyfriend I say Hi, Mia." Kieran says sarcastically as Mia nods hesitantly before her phone starts ringing.

"Hello!" Harvey bellows, Mia laughing.

"Thanks for nearly blowing my ears off." Mia responds as she leaves the college, running down the steps.

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