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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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February 12th, 2020

Harvey laughs as Mia shows him the video from her Tik Tok page, Tilly racing into his room to see what the were laughing about. The little girl leaves minutes later as Mia goes on her Snapchat to answer some of her messages. She opens her message from Luke, putting it up to her ear so she could ear before she bursts out into laughter, making Harvey intrigued.

"Oh that boy is a moron." Mia laughs finally calm down as Harvey looks at her.

"Who is?" Harvey queries as Mia looks at him.

"Luke, he goes to college with me." Mia says as Harvey nods slowly.

"Don't get jealous on me Mills." Mia scrunches her nose up softly as Harvey shakes his head in denial.

"I'm not jealous." Harvey replies as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Yeah, I bet you aren't." Mia scoffs as Harvey laughs. He finally chooses a film for them to watch, Mia moving to sit beside Harvey with her legs crossed over one another, Harvey lying down to her left. Throughout the course of the film, Tilly would walk in to talk to Mia or ask her something and it was quickly getting on Harvey's nerves.

"Oh my god Tilly! Leave us alone!" Harvey scolds nastily as Mia looks at him and then at Tilly who looked like she was gonna cry. Tilly walks out, Mia's heart aching for the girl.

"What did you tell her off for?" Mia asks her boyfriend as Harvey looks at her.

"It's so annoying when she keeps coming in when we're trying to watch a film." Harvey responds as Mia shifts, standing up.

"You made her cry, there wasn't any need for that." Mia says as she walks out of his room, going downstairs to Tilly's room. Harvey sits up, the boy in shock at how Mia just left to go to his little sister, surprised that Mia wasn't as annoyed as he was.

If you want me to come back upstairs, apologise to Tilly :) x

Haha, very funny :P x

Suit yourself Mills, enjoy the rest of your film :) x

Harvey sighs, throwing his phone beside him in frustration as he presses play on the TV. He sat there waiting for Mia to come back, but after 25 minutes he realised she wasn't actually joking and was genuinely not coming back. He pauses the film and hears Mia laughing loudly, furrowing his eyebrows he makes his way downstairs to Tilly's room. Mia was sat with Tilly, the two of them across from Max and Leo who were wearing Princess Crowns.

"And I have a photo for future blackmailing purposes, thanks Bubby." Mia high-fives the little girl as Max tries to get her phone from her to delete the photo.

"What's going on in here?" Harvey asks, the four of them looking at him.

"We're having a tea party, you're uninvited." Tilly huffs sassily, flipping her hair as she looks away from the older boy. Mia laughs at Harvey's reaction, going quiet when he glares at her.

"What do you want?" Leo asks with just as much sass.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Max copies Leo, Mia laughing again.

"I've come for my girlfriend." Harvey says as he looks at Mia.

"Apologise and I'll think about it." Mia beams as Harvey rolls his eyes at her playfully.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you Tilly." Harvey says as Tilly looks at him.

"Apology accepted." Tilly smiles as Harvey looks at Mia to see if she would move, but she doesn't.

"Aren't you gonna come?" Harvey asks as Mia pretends to think before shaking her head. Max, Leo and Tilly laugh at Harvey's facial expression as Mia smirks at him deviously.

"Come here you big baby." Mia says as he makes his way to Mia, sitting down behind her with his legs on either side of hers.

"Harvey needs one of these." Mia says, putting a crown on his head, watching him roll his eyes at her jokingly. He presses a kiss to the back of her shoulder before she leans forward to flick Max's knee, the other twin looking at her with a fake offended expression before throwing a skittle at her head.

"Hey, I didn't throw anything at you." She warns as Max sticks his tongue out at her.

"Well I threw something at you, take that." He retorts as she throws the skittle back at him, hitting him right on the bridge of his nose.

"Ow, that actually hurt." Max laughs as she smirks at him.

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