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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 22nd, 2019

"Mia's in 2nd to last place, she's behind Max and in front of Sara." Tilly informs the entire family as Mia sighs.

"How've I managed to go from 1st place to 2nd to last?" Mia whines as Sara laughs.

"At least you're not last." Sara nudges the girl as Mia sits up, crossing her legs and putting her phone behind her so it wasn't digging into her side. Harvey looks over at his girlfriend, a grin spreading across his face when he notices her concentration face appear. The Mills family and Mia were sitting around the coffee table in the living room playing a board game.

"I thought you said you've played this before Millie?" Paul asks her as she looks over at him.

"I have like 4 times, Lucee taught me how to play it properly and I've just forgotten." Mia informs as they nod.

"Where is everyone this Christmas, Mia?" Sara queries as Mia moves her hair behind her shoulder.

"Lucee is in Scotland and my Dad is in Tokyo with work." Mia shrugs as she checks her phone to see if either had messaged her.

"How come you don't go to Maisie's for Christmas?" Max asks Mia who was replying to a message.

"Her husband doesn't like me because I'm her daughter from a different marriage." Mia shrugs as Sara and Paul look at each other before looking at her with sympathy.

"So you're alone again this year?" Tilly frowns as she watches the teen girl nod.

"I'm used to it." Mia shrugs as her phone rings. She excuses herself from the game, letting Tilly take her go so she could talk to her Dad.

"Hi." Mia sighs as her Father begins shouting at her.

"She's coming over for Christmas again this year." Sara says to her children as Tilly squeals.

"Wait seriously?" Harvey asks as his mother nods.

"She can come here on Christmas Eve and stay over." Paul continues on from his wife as Harvey grins excitedly. Mia walks back in shortly after they finished discussing Christmas Eve, Mia plonking herself down beside Tilly who gave her a massive hug.

"Everything okay Mia?" Sara asks as she nods.

"Can we play something else?" Harvey asks as the family all agree. They put away the current game, Tilly sat in front of Mia as she braids her hair, Tilly thanking her when she was finished. After the family argued about what to play, they all agreed not to play another game and instead watch a Christmas film together in the living room. Harvey holds his hands out for Mia to take, the girl standing up with his help as she sits between Max and Harvey.

"Who's gonna tell her then?" Paul asks as Mia looks at them.

"Tell me what?" Mia wonders as the family look at her.

"We want to invite you for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day." Sara admits as Mia smiles.

"That's if you're allowed." Sara quickly adds in as Mia nods.

"Thank you." Mia grins as the family all walk over to her and hug her.

"Alright, alright, leave my girlfriend alone." Harvey comments as Leo and Tilly laugh. Harvey snakes his arm around Mia's waist softly, Mia resting her head on his shoulder softly, feeling her eyes flutter shut because of how tired she actually was. Harvey smiles to himself and cuddles her even more, the family silently cooing over how loved up Harvey was.

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