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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 25th, 2019

Tilly's eyes shoot open the moment the light shines into her room, looking around frantically for Mia who was usually asleep next to her whenever she stayed over. Tilly throws the covers off her bed and walks out of her room, racing downstairs to find her Mum who was standing in the kitchen already dressed.

"Where's Bubby?" Tilly asks as Sara looks at her youngest.

"She's with Harvey but don't disturb them Tilly." Sara warns but her daughter had already raced out of the room once she heard Harvey. She practically sprints up both sets of stairs, just getting to the top when Max catches her in his arms and picks her up.

"Let me go! I wanna wake Mia up." Tilly whines as Mia hears her name being called from the other side of the door. Mia sits up, rubbing her eyes softly knowing she won't go back to sleep after the commotion behind the door.

"Mia's still asleep and so is Harvey, just wait for them to come downstairs okay?" Max says as Tilly nods, Max not knowing whether or not they were indecent. Tilly runs back downstairs to go eat breakfast as Max looks at his brother's door, opting not to knock on in case they were genuinely indecent. He goes downstairs himself, leaving the two of them to sleep in.

Just as Mia walks back into Harvey's room after using the bathroom, Harvey was sitting up in curiosity at where she had gone. He smiles when he sees his girlfriend's sleepy state, his heart feeling full at how adorable she looked when she'd just woken up.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Mia teases as he laughs. She sits down on the bed in front of him, crossing her legs and pulling her sleeves over her hands which were currently frozen.

"When did you wake up?" He asks as Mia looks at the time on her phone.

"About five minutes ago, Tilly was trying to wake me up but Max stopped her." Mia informs as he nods.

"When did you get changed?" Harvey asks as he notices a different jumper and joggers on her.

"Just then." Mia comments as he nods. She smiles at him as he stands up to go to the bathroom himself. Mia checks her phone to see a message from Lucee, the brunette replying to the message whilst she waits for her boyfriend. When he returns, he grins at her and presses a soft kiss to her lips before she stands up.

"Can we do our presents here?" He asks softly as she smiles, nodding after a few seconds of silence.. She sits back down in front of him, leaning over to sort out his messy hair as he presses a kiss to the inside of her wrist.

"Alright, you go first." Mia says excitedly as she hands him the box. He looks at her for permission as she nods, the boy tearing it open to reveal a Chelsea Shirt. He laughs as he takes it out of the box, holding it up to his chest before he sees it had his first name on it with '02'as the number.

"I just figured I'd get you a joke present." Mia beams as he smiles. His eyes land on the Supreme bag next, his jaw dropping instantly before he moves the box, embracing her tightly.

"Wait, you're not finished. Open the bag." Mia continues softly as Harvey tilts his head to the side slightly before unzipping the bag. He pulls out a Lorax Funko Pop and an envelope, Harvey laughing at the figurine before moving his attention to the envelope. He opens it, pulling out the tickets inside as his mouth drops open for the second time that morning.

"Mia this is too much." Harvey states, clearly gobsmacked by her efforts.

"I wanted to do this for you so you're keeping it." Mia informs as Harvey smiles.

"Thank you." Harvey hugs her again, kissing her forehead a few times.

"Okay wait now its your turn." Harvey informs as she's handed two gifts. Mia furrows her eyebrows at the shape of one of them, hesitantly ripping some of the wrapping paper to see a tub of lollies. Mia laughs as she rips the rest of the paper off, hugging the tub of Bubblegum Lollies as Harvey grins.

"I saw the ones on your desk at home were running low." Harvey comments as she nods.

"I have like 3 left, but now I have another tub to replace them." Mia grins as she places it down to one side of her. She begins opening the other present, laughing when she sees the Chelsea badge.

"Now we can match." Harvey informs with a beaming smile as she looks at the back which says 'Juliet' with '02' for the number.

"This is convenient because my other Chelsea shirt got ripped." Mia says as he nods.

"I remember you telling me." Harvey responds with a cheeky tone as she moves some of her hair out of her face.

"Thank you Harv." Mia whispers as he moves off of his bed.

"I've got one last thing." Harvey tells her, watching the girl furrow his eyebrows as he stands in front of her holding a black velvet box. He opens it, the silver rose necklace staring Mia in the face as her hand covers her mouth in shock.

"To replace the one that got broken, this definitely won't break." Harvey bubbles as she looks up at him.

"Can I?" He asks quietly as she nods, watching him take the necklace from the box. She holds her hair up at the back so he could see what he was doing, the boy clasping it together before she turns back to face him. He leans forward and pecks her on the lips, Mia smiling and looking at her feet.

"I have morning breath." She shakes her head, watching as the boy shrugs.

"I don't care." Harvey retorts, kissing her again. He smiles at her once again as he pulls away, holding his hand out for her as she takes it. The two of them go to the bathroom, both brushing their teeth listening to a random One Direction song that Mia had chosen. Harvey gets his phone out and films the two of them brushing their teeth to put on Snapchat, tagging Mia in the text before putting his phone away. Harvey sorts his hair out just as Mia starts braiding hers, the two of them dancing along to She's Not Afraid and Still The One before Mia finished her hair off. She stops the music from playing on her phone just as she reached the bottom of the stairs, putting it in the pocket of her joggers.

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