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December 26th, 2019

Harvey giggles to himself as he takes something out of Mia's suitcase without her knowing, the girl so focused on packing even if it was 1 AM and they'd only just finished their Christmas Celebrations. She begins searching around for something she'd already put in, her eyebrows furrowing when she sees one of Harvey's socks lying on top of her jeans.

"What are you up to Mills?" She asks, taking the sock out and throwing it at him.

"I'm not doing anything." He retaliates as she looks at him with narrowed eyes, just nodding before finding the missing pair of denim shorts. She puts them back in, turning her back to sort out her toiletries when Harvey pulls out a shirt and a pair of her shoes, shoving them behind his pillows and replacing it with a fake plant from his bedside table. When she turns back around, he pretends to be on his phone doing something as Mia looks at him with a puzzled expression.

"Are you putting random crap in my suitcase?" She asks, watching him shake his head.

"You must've put it in." Harvey shrugs as she laughs.

"Why would I pack a potted plant?" Mia queries, watching him shrug again.

"Stop taking stuff out and putting random stuff in." She scolds playfully, leaning over her suitcase and pushing the boy lightly.

"I'm not doing anything! You're going insane." Harvey exclaims as she laughs, rolling her eyes. She puts in a few more clothes when Harvey takes them out slyly, putting in the shirt he was wearing moments ago as she looks back at him. Mia finally gives up, crossing her arms over her chest as she huffs, a piece of her hair moving in front of her eyes.

"Fine then, I just won't come." Mia says, looking at him with a straight face but secretly trying her hardest to wind him up. She watches as his face drops, his giddiness from seconds before completely gone and now replaced with worry, upset and sorrow.

"No, no, no, I'm sorry, okay, I'll stop." He frantically stands up, grabbing all of her clothes that he moved and placing them back in her suitcase, getting all the other things out.

"Look, I'll help." Harvey continues to panic, pulling clothes out of her bag and throwing them in her suitcase. Mia sits down in his original position, watching the boy rush around with her stuff, giggling at how fast he changed moods. After a few more minutes of his rushing about and Mia giggling at him, she catches his attention and he freezes in his spot.

"What's so funny?" Harvey queries as she smiles deviously.

"You." She states, standing up and walking around the bed to him, wrapping her arms around his middle.

"You take things too seriously, Harv, you look like a lost puppy." Mia grins, moving her hands to hold his cheeks as his snake around her waist.

"You said you weren't going to come." Harvey's voice cracks as he looks at his feet.

"Of course I'm going to go with you guys silly." She smiles, looking into his eyes. He looks back to her as a smile creeps onto his face, pulling her into a hug and resting his head on top of hers.

"Please don't do that again." He whispers to her before nuzzling his head into her neck, the girl feeling so full of adoration and love at such a young age.

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now