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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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June 7th, 2020

Mia laughs as she bounces the football on the floor beneath her, catching it in her hands every time it came back up. She bounces it over to Jaiden just as they reach the field where Dobby, Tomas, Max and Harvey were.

"So you decide to show up 15 minutes late?" Max questions sassily as Mia, Cara, Sammi, Jaiden walk over to them.

"We were waiting for prim and proper over there." Mia responds, pointing to Jaiden who sticks her tongue out playfully.

"Who's team captains?" Tom asks as everyone looks at each other.

"Mia and Harvey." Max exclaims excitedly as Harvey sighs, Mia grinning brightly.

"Alright, this should be easy." Mia nudges her boyfriend as they stand side by side.

"Ladies first." Harvey says as she looks at the 6 people in front of her.

"Max." She chooses, Harvey's mouth dropping open at the fact she just chose her twin brother.

"Dobby." Harvey chooses as Dobby nods at him in excitement.

"Jaiden." Mia goes next, Harvey rolling her eyes.

Mia's team consisted of Mia, Max, Jaiden and Sammi, Harvey's consisting of Harvey, Tom, Dobby and Cara. Mia and Harvey were standing together in the middle of the 'pitch', the ball in between them as Tom pretended to blow the whistle. Mia gets the ball and kicks it behind her to Jaiden straight away, Harvey groaning in frustration as she smirks at him. Jaiden kicks it back to her as she passes it to Max, the boy hitting it through their fake net which consisted of two jackets around 8ft away from each other.

"Wahay, go team Parkinson!" Max high-fives Jaiden as they go down the pitch cheering.

"Mia's chosen all the GCSE PE kids." Tom whines as they all look at Mia who was looking at her ankle.

"My very lovely scar just started bleeding." Mia furrows her eyebrows as they all look at her ankle.

"When did you do that?" Cara asks as Mia looks at her blue-haired boyfriend.

"She and Harvey decided to try sliding across a glass walkway on the cruise and both cut themselves open." Max explains as they nod. Once she cleaned up her ankle, they continued their game of football and played for the next 35 minutes before they were all exhausted.

"Who actually won?" Jaiden asks as they all shrug.

"Mia wins by default." Tom says as he sits down beside Jaiden. Eventually everyone had joined them, both Mia and Harvey missing from the group, it only took them 15 minutes to notice they were gone.

"Wait where actually are they?" Max asks as they all look around until they spot Mia who looked like she was laughing. They all stand up to see if they could see it better, realising Harvey was on the floor laughing too.

"What's going on?" Sammi asks as they all walk over.

"He's just tried jumping on my back so I could give him a piggyback, not realising I can't hold his weight and we've both just fallen on the floor, and he's landed in a muddy puddle." Mia explains as they look at Harvey who was in fact lying in a muddy puddle wearing one of his new Supreme Hoodies.

"I've just nearly choked." Harvey says as he gets up off of the floor to take his jumper off.

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