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August 3rd, 2020

Mia sighs as she lies on her cold bed, staring up at her ceiling with her music playing in the background. Harvey was going to France today with the family, and despite his pleas for Mia to go, she couldn't afford it nor did she want to travel with COVID around, so she was finally at home after 5 months at Harvey's house. Harvey was mopey the entire drive to France but it soon went away when she messaged him to see how he was, the boy replying happily whilst his brother watched him.

"Amelia Noelle Parkinson!" Freddie shouts, causing the girl to sit up in confusion.

"What?" She calls back, not hearing anything in return. She rolls her eyes and frustratedly makes her way downstairs, walking into the kitchen where her Father was standing with the huge pile of coursework she had.

"What's this?" Freddie asks her, pointing to the pile of work she needed to complete.

"My Art coursework, why?" Mia shrugs, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why's there so much?" He queries, watching her shrug again.

"Lucee let you stay with Harvey on the condition you got your coursework done on time, Amelia, so why isn't it done?" He continues his rant, watching Mia rub her tired eyes.

"Because I've been spending time with Harvey, I lost track of how much I had." Mia responds, watching him shake his head.

"Phone." He holds his hand out, her mouth dropping open.

"You're not having my phone." Mia replies, holding the phone tightly in her hand.

"Give me the phone, now. I paid for it." He retorts sternly as she shakes her head.

"Max and Harvey bought me a new one, so technically they paid for it." Mia sarcastically remarks, watching her Father shake her head in disapproval.

"Give me your phone now and you can have it back when you catch up on your coursework." Freddie reiterates.

"No, you're not having my phone." She crosses her arms across her chest in a huff.

"Amelia I'm not telling you once more, give me your phone or I'll double the consequence." He responds, watching his teenage daughter shake her head.

"Right, I'm going getting your laptop." He shrugs, walking out of the kitchen.

"Fuck." She mutters to herself, opening her phone to text Harvey 'I love you' quickly. She turns her phone off and follows her Father upstairs, giving him her phone with a sad look on her face before she goes back downstairs to get her coursework to start.

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