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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 24th, 2020

"It's your birthday tomorrow." Harvey grins, looking at his girlfriend.

"For the 100th time today, I know it is." Mia responds, watching Harvey roll his eyes.

"You should be more excited, you turn 18." Harvey sighs.

"I've never liked my birthday, you should know that. Besides, the only reason tomorrow is important is because it means I can officially move out of my dad's house." Mia replies, tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Come on, you can go to bars and stuff." Harvey responds.

"And you know none of that interests me." Mia shrugs.

"But it's your birthday." Harvey frowns.

"And it's also Christmas Day, I'd rather celebrate that." Mia looks at him, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. Harvey looks at her as she walks away, most likely going upstairs to Tilly's room to keep her occupied.

"Max?" Harvey called.

"What?" Max walks into the kitchen.

"Can you come to the shops with me?" Harvey asks.

"Why don't you ask Mia?" Max furrows his eyebrows.

"It's for Mia." Harvey responds.

"Oh." Max realises what he's saying. He nods in response, the twins going to the door and getting their shoes on, Harvey telling Sara and Paul they'd be back in an hour or so and to keep Mia occupied.

"What do you even need?" Max questions.

"Balloons, banners, anything that will make her appreciate her birthday. She literally hates it and it's all her dad's fault." Harvey frowns.

"Or maybe the fact it's Christmas Day?" Max suggests.

"She told me when she was younger her and her Nana used to celebrate both, then her dad started being a twat." Harvey rolls his eyes, his twin just nodding his head in response. Max drives them both to Waitrose and they both go inside, Max picking out a few things he knew she'd like before going to Harvey.

"Silver or gold?" Harvey questions, holding up a 1 and an 8 balloon.

"Silver." Max responds. Harvey picks up a silver of each number before picking up some other decorations.

"We need a cake!" Harvey exclaims, almost dropping everything in hands.

"Why don't you make her one?" Max suggests.

"I can't cook." Harvey responds.

"It's more sentimental, plus you can get a box cake, Harvey." Max teases. Harvey thinks about it for a second before deciding to do that, the boy going to find a boxed cake mix before going to the tills. Once they'd paid, they took everything back home and walked through the living room, Mia and Tilly both fast asleep on one of the sofas. Harvey puts everything down quietly and covers them over with a blanket, moving some hair from Mia's face before walking back into the kitchen.

"That's so cute." Harvey mumbles to himself.

"Isn't it?" Sara grins.

"What's all this?" Paul questions.

"Stuff for Mia's birthday." Harvey smiles.

"Harvey you're so sweet." Sara coos at her eldest, the woman admiring how well Harvey treats her.

"Good luck." Paul says, noticing the cake box.

"Thanks." Harvey laughs softly.

Harvey looks at the array of things in front of them and quickly shifts them into a cupboard Mia never went in, the boy knowing he'd do all the decorations tonight when she went to sleep and do the cake in the morning whilst she was still asleep.

He walked into the living room after taking off his coat and shoes, the boy noticing that Mia was awake and now on her phone but she daren't move considering Tilly was fast asleep still. Harvey walks over and picks Tilly up off of the sofa slowly, the boy making sure she hadn't woken up before Mia gets up. She follows Harvey out of the living room, making sure all the lights were off before following him upstairs, the girl walking straight up to his room to get changed.

Harvey shut his bedroom door and looked at Mia who was tucked up in bed cosily, the girl on her Instagram scrolling through her feed. Harvey smiled and got in bed behind her, the boy resting his head on her shoulder as he watched her scroll slower and slower as time went on. He took her phone out of her hand when she had closed her eyes momentarily, the boy pulling her into his warmth which caused her to fall asleep almost instantly.

"I love you." Harvey whispers, pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder.

Once he knew she was well away, the boy got out of bed quietly and walked downstairs, Max following him considering he wanted to help himself. The two of them spent the next two hours with the decorations, having to take a detour at 9 because they didn't buy a helium tank for the balloons. By the time they'd finished, it was just before 12 and the house looked ready for Christmas and Mia's 18th birthday, Harvey impressed with himself and Max for doing everything themselves.

"Thank you." Harvey thanks his twin.

"No problem." Max responds, moving his hair out of his face. The twins nodded at one another before Harvey made his way back to his room, his girlfriend still fast asleep in the same position she was before. He shut his door and got back into bed with her, the boy quickly glancing at the time to see it had just gone 00:00.

He thought for a second before gently shaking his girlfriend awake, the girl groaning but turning over to look at him.

"What?" She asks quietly.

"Happy 18th Birthday Juliet." Harvey smiles, the girl shaking her head at him with a smile.

"Go back to sleep silly." She whispers, running a hand through his hair very softly.

"But it's your birthday." Harvey whispers back, noticing her smile again.

"And I'm tired." Mia shakes her head softly, the girl cuddling into his chest to get warm.

"I love you." Mia whispers.

"I love you too."

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now