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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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November 30th, 2019

Mia smiles as she and Lucee make their way into the studio where they were filming X-Factor, Sara and Paul greeting them with open arms as Mia smiles.

"I didn't know you guys were coming." Paul comments as Sara looks at her husband.

"Mia's surprising Harvey." Sara grins, Mia knowing she was a little tipsy. Mia hugs both Tilly and Leo, kissing Tilly's forehead with a smile as she watches her boyfriend and best friend perform Last Christmas on stage. Mia makes sure she wasn't standing near any cameras so Harvey wouldn't see her just as they finished up, Lucee stood behind Mia with a beaming smile.

"Thank you Luce." Mia says as Lucee shakes her head.

"Don't thank me, you know I'll always help you out Ames." Lucee replies as Mia hugs her softly. She watches as both twins walk off the stage and make their way to the backstage after they talk to their parents. Max was the first one to spot Mia, a surprised look on his face as he races over to her and hugs her tightly.

"What are you doing here?" Max asks as Harvey looks around for his twin who seemed to have gone missing.

"You're not the only one who can give surprises out, Mills." Mia grins as he hugs her again.

"Max, where've you gone?" Harvey asks as Sara watches her son notice Mia and Lucee. Max stands beside Leo and Tilly as Harvey makes his way over and hugs her tightly, not wanting to let go of her even if he did see her the weekend previous.

"You're cheeky." Harvey says as she laughs.

"I'm so proud of you." Mia whispers as he kisses her softly.

"I'm happy you're here." Harvey grins before he's taken away for their outfit change. Mia and Tilly end up talking pretty much the entire night whilst her boyfriend sings for people in the crowd and at home. Once they finished performing and the cameras turned onto their family, Mia opted not to stand near any of them considering she'd been in the car for 6 hours, stuck in traffic for two and had no sleep last night.

By the time they were finished and it was revealed Megan had won, the twins came off the stage and made their way to their family. Harvey wraps his arms around his girlfriend's waist, resting his head on her shoulder softly as she holds onto his arms herself.

"What day do you get back for Christmas?" Harvey asks as Mia counts it on her fingers.

"The 21st during the day 'cause I finish late on the 20th." Mia responds as he nods.

"Can't wait." Harvey replies as she smiles.

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