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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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October 31st, 2020

"Did you see where I put my glasses yesterday?" Mia questions as Harvey looks over at her.

"I think you left them downstairs." Harvey responds, watching her nod softly.

"Do you want me to get them for you?" He asks as she moves off of the bed.

"Nah it's fine, if I fall down the stairs I'll be okay." She jokes as she leaves his room, making her way downstairs to find her glasses. She smiles at Max as she walks into the living room, the boy passing through to go back upstairs in his room with his lunch.

"Glasses are on the side in the kitchen." Max informs her.

"Thank you." She grins, making her way into the kitchen and retrieving them. She puts them on her face and moves her hair behind her shoulder as Harvey sits in the living room, the boy setting up the film he and Mia were watching that afternoon.

"What are we watching?" Mia questions as she sits down beside her boyfriend, his arm wrapping around her waist.

"Scream." Harvey grins.

"Ooo how fun." Mia replies sarcastically as he presses play, the girl pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose.

Mia sat through the whole film trying her hardest not to doze off, Harvey noticing but deciding to leave her to her own devices, not really fussed if she fell asleep or not. He smiled when he looked over at her and her hair was sprawled out over the sofa.

Harvey turned off the film when he knew she was in a deep sleep, moving her legs very slowly off of him so he didn't wake her. He presses a soft kiss to her forehead before disappearing upstairs to do some work whilst she sleeps.

Max wanders into the living room with his plate from earlier, the boy noticing Mia fast asleep on the sofa without Harvey. He smirks to himself as he puts his plate in the kitchen, walking back through the living room to go upstairs, digging around in his room to find his Halloween Outfit from a few years back. He changes into as quickly as possible, making his way downstairs just as quietly as he went upstairs, the brunette boy making sure Mia was still asleep before he walked over to her.

"Mia." Max says in a scratchy voice, the girl stirring a little bit.

"Mia." He continues with the scratchy voice, the girl opening her eyes the slightest bit to notice she was in complete darkness. She opens and shuts her eyes a few times to wake herself up, not feeling Harvey's warmth on her legs which makes her even more confused.

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