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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 24th, 2019

Mia laughs as Tilly shows her the slime she'd been given the previous day. Mia giggles as she watches how infatuated the little girl was with the slime, Tilly showing her all the slime she had as Harvey walks in. He smiles as he watches his girlfriend concentrate on what his little sister was trying to tell her, Mia being handed a pot of slime that looked a little bit like unicorn sick to which Harvey laughs.

"What's so funny?" Tilly sasses as Mia laughs at the little girl.

"I don't think Mia wants to play with slime, Tills." Harvey retorts as Tilly folds her arms across her chest with a huff.

"Leave her alone Harv." Mia scolds the boy as Tilly laughs, Mia continuing to play with the slime in her hand as Harvey frowns, giving his girlfriend puppy dog eyes. Mia rolls her eyes and turns so her back was facing him, her attention now back on Tilly who was telling Mia all about why she loved slime.

"Santa comes tomorrow!" Tilly screeches out of the blue, causing everyone to jump.

"Santa only comes when you're asleep, Tilly." Sara warns as Tilly looks at her.

"But why?" Tilly frowns as Mia looks at her.

"You see, Tilly, Santa doesn't like to be seen, and when little kids do see him, he puts them on the naughty list for next year because they haven't gone to sleep like they were supposed to." Sara informs as Tilly frowns.

"Then I wanna go to sleep!" Tilly huffs as Mia giggles.

"Tilly it's only 5." Sara says as Tilly frowns. Tilly continues to show Mia her slime for the next hour, the two of them eventually getting bored before deciding to watch the film on the screen.

"You can sit on the sofa you know Millie." Sara says as Mia looks over at them.

"I know." Mia smiles softly before Sara notices her youngest child leaning her head on Mia's leg, Mia playing with her hair softly. Harvey leans forward, his legs on either side of Mia's arms, kissing his girlfriend's head softly. She looks up at him, Harvey giving her a soft and sweet peck on the lips before he leans back into the sofa again. Sara and Paul look at each other before looking at Mia with a smile, thankful their son had found someone like Mia after how broken he was with Katie.

"I think someone's tired." Mia comments in a sing-song voice as she looks at Tilly who was half asleep on her leg.

"I'll put her to bed." Sara responds, going to stand up when Tilly stops her.

"I want Mia to put me to bed." Tilly says quietly as she stands up, looking at Mia with the same puppy dog eyes Harvey usually gives her. Mia stands up, picking Tilly up and stepping over Leo who was lying on the floor as Sara looks at her.

"Thank you Millie." Sara says quietly as Mia smiles back at her. Tilly leans her head on Mia's shoulder as she walks upstairs, opening the room to her door as efficiently as possible with her foot. She puts Tilly down in her bed, covering her over with her quilt as Tilly looks at her.

"You're pretty." Tilly says as Mia giggles.

"Thank you Bubba." Mia grins, not knowing that Harvey was watching them both from the doorway.

"I promise to wake you up very early tomorrow." Tilly grins as Mia moves some of her hair out of her face.

"Oh please do." Mia smiles at her as Tilly sits up, wrapping her arms around Mia's waist.

The smile on Harvey's face didn't drop once as he watched his girlfriend and little sister whisper to each other. His heart felt full and warm as Mia kissed the top of the little girls' head, Tilly's eyes fluttering shut very slowly. He makes a run for it when he sees Mia stands up to turn the lamp off, running downstairs and out to the cabin as fast as possible so he didn't get caught staring at his girlfriend lovingly. He waits as he watches her walk into the kitchen in search for him, waiting for one second as she walks into the conservatory before beginning his wonderful plan.

"Juliet! Help!" He calls as Mia looks at him from the conservatory with a panicked face, making her way outside in a rush to see what was wrong with him.

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