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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 27th, 2019

Mia looks at the interior of the ship completely starstruck, Leo and Tilly doing the same thing. Max and Harvey were too focused on annoying each other to look around whereas Sara and Paul were getting the keys for the rooms. The twins started taking Instagram Stories, Harvey racing over to Mia whilst he was filming and hugging her tightly, the story only catching a glimpse of her. He uploads it to his Instagram Story and tags Mia, her phone continuously buzzing now more and more people are following her from the twins' account.

Harvey wraps his arms around Mia's waist and squeezes her softly, the girl leaning her head back in his shoulder as Sara and Paul walk over with the cards and hand them out. Harvey grins as he looks at his, his face soon falling when he looks at Mia's to see a different room number displayed on her card. He furrowed his eyebrows as he glances at Max and Tilly's cards, his own twin brother having the same room number as Mia.

"Wait, Mum, I think they messed up, I have a different room to Juliet." Harvey informs as Tilly looks at the older girls card, jumping up and down in excitement due to the fact Mia was with her.

"There isn't anything wrong Harvey, you're with Leo, Mia is with Max and Tilly." Sara tells him as Harvey scoffs.

"What?" Harvey blurts out.

"Surely I would be roomed with my own girlfriend and Tilly, and not Max." Harvey follows up.

"No Harvey, everything is correct." Paul informs as Harvey looks at Mia briefly, the girl not concentrating on what he was saying to his parents and rather what Max was showing her on his phone.

"But that isn't fair." Harvey whines.

"Max and I are the same age, and she's my girlfriend." Harvey continues to argue.

"Exactly." Sara shuts him down.

"What do you mean exactly? Surely it would make more sense for me to share with Mia." Harvey remarked his point once again, not understanding why they let Mia stay with him at home but not now. Mia looks over at her boyfriend briefly, the boy looking absolutely fumed at his parents decision before he's pulled to the side by Sara.

"We're in charge of Millie's safety on this Holiday, Harvey. We trust you both, but you're growing up and in a relationship, therefore we don't want any children running around us in 9 months time." Sara sets him straight, quietly, so Mia doesn't hear and get upset herself. Harvey's eyes instantly shoot open, giving his mother an accusing look because she knows that he respected his girlfriend's wishes of waiting, and planned to do so until she was fully committed and ready. Sara should know this, after all, she did raise him to be a gentleman.

"You know me better than that." He responds sadly as Sara sighs.

"Harvey, I trust you guys, you know that, but it's only a sleeping arrangement. I can guarantee she'll be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you'll see before you go to bed. There's no curfew, and she's a night-owl anyways, so please just stop complaining." Sara pleads, watching Harvey nod and finally give in. He hugs his Mum softly, Sara smiling before the two of them walk back over to the rest of the family. They all check they have everything before making their way to their rooms, Max and Mia walking in front of Harvey who was still moping about like a lost puppy. Harvey's ears perk up when he hears Mia laugh, the girl nearly choking because Max had tripped up and face-planted. Max grabs Mia's wrist and pulls her down to the floor, the two of them laughing loudly as Harvey feels the jealousy rise inside of him.

"Your rooms are next to each other at least." Sara says to her son as she walks past him to get to hers and Paul's room.

"Oh stop it I can't breathe." Mia says, finally standing up and dusting her jeans off.

"You started it!" Max exclaims as their parents disappear into their room. Harvey stands at his door with Leo, looking longingly at his girlfriend as Leo opens the door. When Harvey and Leo were inside their room and unpacking, he could hear Mia laughing again, the girl seeming to be enjoying the holiday more than she thought she would.

"Someone's jealous." Leo teases as he looks at his older brother.

"Why would I be jealous?" Harvey asks as Leo rolls his eyes.

"Because she's having fun with Max and you're not sharing a room with her." Leo responds as Harvey rolls his eyes.

"Be quiet Leo." Harvey retaliates, leaning back on his bed and shutting his eyes.

Around 30 minutes later, the family remet in one of the communal spots, Mia and Max both bright red from how much they were laughing in the last half an hour. Harvey wraps his arms around Mia's waist tightly as they wait for Sara and Paul, the boy kissing his girlfriend's cheek repeatedly as Leo raises an eyebrow at him. Once the parents had arrived, Harvey held his girlfriend's hand as they walked around the ship to find a few things to do whilst they were here. Mia occasionally looked over at Max and he would make her laugh, the girl high on laughter the entire trip around the boat. Harvey realised he was actually becoming jealous when his grip tightened on Mia's hand which caused her to ask him what was wrong.

"C'mon guys." Tilly says as Mia stops her and Harvey from walking.

"We'll catch up in a minute." Mia says to the girl, watching her nod and run off back to her parents.

"What's going on?" Mia asks, holding both of Harvey's hands in hers. Harvey looks down at his feet, the girl lifting his chin with her pointer finger.

"Tell me." Mia says as he sighs.

"I'm just annoyed that we're not sharing a room." Harvey sighs as she shakes her head.

"We spend literally every waking minute of the day together for the next week and you're bothered about not sleeping with me?" Mia laughs softly as he looks back down at his feet.

"Harvey hey." Mia says sadly, the boy pulling her in for a tight hug, his head resting on her shoulder. She moves her arm to play with the hair at the back of his neck, the other on his chest, the boy not wanting to let go of her.

"You have nothing to be upset about." Mia whispers as he moves his arms up so he's holding her torso. In one swift move he picks her up over his shoulder, setting her off laughing again as he walks fast so he catches up with his family.

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