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April 23rd, 2020

"Alright, are you 100% sure you want to?" Mia asks her boyfriend, watching him nod softly.

"Alright, there's no going back now." She warns once more before she slips the plastic gloves on her hands. She squirts the purple hair dye on her hand, going through Harvey's hair with it as he sits in front of her on a stool.

"It's cold." Harvey says as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Quit complaining." Mia laughs as she continues to run the purple through his hair.

"You should do your hair." Harvey says as he looks at her through the mirror.

"I've got blue somewhere, I could do mine." Mia says as Harvey looks at her.

"Do it purple, we can match." Harvey grins as she laughs.

"You really want me to go purple?" She asks, the boy nodding at her answer, Mia nearly getting purple hair dye on the back of his neck.

"Stop moving about." She continues putting the purple through his hair until the majority of it was lathered. Once he was done, she sections off her hair and puts the gloves back on, lathering the purple through the blonde in hers. Harvey grins as she does it, watching her in admiration.

"If I don't like this I blame you." Mia warns as she finishes up.

"I bet you'll like it." Harvey says as she laughs. The two of them wait 30 minutes, dancing around to the music Harvey had playing from his phone, sharing a few kisses here and there. Mia's phone bleeps, signalling that it was time for them to rinse. She rinses Harvey's hair first, the boy drying his hair with the hairdryer whilst Mia rinses her own hair out. Once she'd rinsed, she dried it and straightened it, the two of them looking at each other in the mirror with wide smiles.

"RIP to the pink.." Mia says as Harvey gets his phone out. He opens Snapchat and starts recording his hair, flipping the camera onto Mia who scrunches her nose up before laughing. He saves it to his phone as Mia gets her snapchat up, taking a selfie of the two of them with their new purple hair and actually uploading it to her story, something she never usually did. After she puts her phone away, she catches Harvey staring at her so she presses a kiss to his lips before exiting the bathroom. The two of them make their way downstairs, Harvey making his way into the living room first to show off the purple.

"Wait, we have another one." Harvey says as he drags Mia into the living room.

"Oh wow, that suits you Millie." Paul compliments as Mia smiles.

"Thank you." Mia replies gratefully as she sits down beside Harvey.

Stranger ⸰ Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now