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March 18th, 2019

Harvey smiles as he makes his way to Drama, prepared to see Mia's gleaming smile after not being able to talk to her yesterday. When he gets into lesson, he's left upset when he notices Mia is missing. He sits in his seat and waits for her to show up for the entire lesson, but she never did. It's not like he could message her either, she didn't have her phone on her and her Dad was still fuming with her. He goes about his day, moping around because he wasn't able to tell Mia how pretty she looked today or joke around with her in Drama.

After school, he tells Max, Dobby and Tom to go straight home as he walks back to Drama to talk to Lucee.

"Hey, Lucee?" Harvey says as the teacher turns around, looking at the boy Mia had grown fond of over the last few months.

"What can I do for you Harvey?" Lucee responds as he clears his throat.

"Do you know if Mia is okay?" Harvey asks as Lucee furrows her eyebrows.

"Can't you just text her?" Lucee comments, watching the boy shake his head.

"She got into trouble with her dad yesterday and got her phone taken off her." Harvey informs as Lucee scowls.

"Freddie told me that she broke it." Lucee says, watching Harvey shake his head yet again.

"I'll go check on her after I've finished up here, thank you Harvey." Lucee smiles with worry as Harvey nods before making his own way home. When Lucee arrives at Mia's house, chaos erupts between her and Freddie, Mia still lay in bed doing absolutely nothing considering her phone and everything else was taken from her. She could hear everything going on downstairs but had no effort to move to see what the commotion was. Around 5 minutes after it goes quiet, her door opens and Lucee appears with all of her stuff.

"Here, and don't let him take it again." Lucee says as Mia smiles, thanking her before turning her phone straight on. She doesn't even bother checking the messages from Harvey, she just calls him and waits for him to pick up.

"Hello." Harvey bellows as she smiles.

"Is it bad that I missed your voice and it's been about a day and a half?" Mia asks as Harvey laughs.

"I feel the same way Juliet, don't you worry." Harvey replies as the two of them talk on the phone for literally hours.

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