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February 9th, 2019

Harvey sighs as he sits on the edge of Katie's bed uncomfortably, only really here to retrieve the necklace he bought for Mia. Katie tells him a story as she applies some makeup that was too orange for her natural skin tone. Harvey wasn't really paying attention to anything Katie was saying because he was looking around her room to find the necklace. He spots it on her desk, lying there collecting dust as Katie turns to him.

"What do you see in Mia anyway?" Katie asks as Harvey looks at her.

"Hm?" Harvey mutters, not actually knowing what she said.

"What do you see in Amelia? She's a weirdo." Katie scoffs as Harvey rolls his eyes.

"She's unique." Harvey comments, offending Katie slightly.

"I'm gonna go get a drink from downstairs, do you want one?" Katie inquires as he shakes his head. He waits till she's downstairs fully to get up and get the necklace from the desk, putting it in his pocket and making his way downstairs.

"I gotta go." Harvey says as Katie looks at him with a confused look.

"Why?" Katie presses for more information as Harvey looks at her.

"Mum needs me." Harvey lies as Katie nods. Harvey leaves her house, recognising the street better than he should've as he turns and see's Mia on her driveway on the phone to someone. She turns and sees him standing outside of Katie's house, her head tilting slightly as Harvey makes his way over to her. She smiles at him when he reaches her driveway, still talking to the person on the phone.

"Alright, yeah I have a coat on don't worry." Mia says as Harvey tilts his head to the side like a lost puppy.

"Alright I'll see you in an hour." Mia finishes off on the phone.

"Hi." Mia smiles as Harvey smiles back.

"How come you're in your driveway?" Harvey asks as she laughs to herself.

"I locked myself out, and my keys upstairs." Mia laughs as Harvey does too. She moves and sits on the steps in front of her house, Harvey sitting beside her.

"How come you were at Katie's house?" Mia asks with jealousy lacing her voice.

"I was retrieving this." Harvey responds, reaching into his pocket and taking the necklace out to show her.

"Did you just steal it back?" She giggles as he nods.

"Turn around." He comments as she does so, moving her hair out of the way as he drapes it around her neck and clasps it on.

"Now you're Juliet again." Harvey smiles as she smiles, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"How'd you manage to lock yourself out?" Harvey laughs at her silliness.

"There's a latch on the door and if you shut it fully it clicks, so it's clicked when I came outside to get something for my dad out of his other car." Mia frowns as he laughs again.

"I'll keep you company don't worry." Harvey says as she smiles.

The two of them talk for about half an hour before they go into a comfortable silence, neither of them wanting anyone to disturb the moment as Lucee pulls up on the drive.

"Oh thank god you haven't frozen to death." Lucee says as she gets out of the car.

"Luckily." Mias replies as she laughs.

"Here's my spare key, I'll just get it from you next time I'm round, I need to shoot off." Lucee informs as Mia takes the key, nodding as Lucee disappears once again. Mia unlocks the door as Harvey stands behind her, the door opening after a little bit of a struggle.

"Ah thank god for that." Mia breathes as Harvey laughs.

"You can come if you want, no ones home." Mia says as Harvey nods, shutting the door behind him.

"And I forgot I was making breakfast, this is why I don't eat." He hears Mia talking to herself as he takes his shoes off. He walks into the kitchen and watches as she disposes of the burnt food, giving up with trying to make something and opting to just eat some grapes from the packet they had.

"You look pretty today." Harvey compliments as her stomach does flips.

"Thank you." Mia responds with a small smile as he stands in front of her, the two of them just looking at each other. He places a hand on her cheek and pulls her in for a kiss, Mia having absolutely no clue what to do considering she'd never been kissed before. She did what felt natural for her as Harvey smiles, pulling away a few moments later.

"I suck at kissing oh my." Mia breaks the silence as she laughs.

"No you're don't." Harvey comments as Mia shakes her head.

"I genuinely don't believe that for a second." Mia retorts as Harvey shakes his head.

"I've had worse." Harvey replies as she smiles.

"Well, how does Harvey Mills feel knowing he was Amelia's first kiss?" She says as Harvey looks at her in shock.

"Wait, you've never been kissed? How?" Harvey says as she shrugs.

"Boys are never attracted to me, they just see me as the girl who's abnormally good at slide tackling boys." Mia shrugs as Harvey rolls his eyes but not commenting any further so his crush on her stayed a secret.

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