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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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September 20th, 2020

"Yeah well that's not what I meant." Mia sighs as Harvey frowns.

"I could've sworn you did." Havey shakes his head at her.

"I don't think so." She grins sarcastically, Harvey laughing at her as she adjusts her glasses on her face.

"Can I have a kiss now?" Harvey asks.

"Depends." Mia responds, watching him furrow his eyebrows.

"Depends on what?" Harvey questions her further.

"Where it will go." Mia smirks.

"What?" Harvey looks at her with wide-eyes.

"You know, where it would go." Mia responds, genuinely thinking he'd understand her.

"What do you mean? What would go where?" Harvey asks, Mia bursting into laughter.

"I genuinely don't understand you." Harvey frowns, looking at her with doe eyes.

"It doesn't matter." She responds, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

"Wait, no, tell me." Harvey says frantically, the boy looking at her as she smiles.

"I love how innocent you are Mills." She responds, the switch clicking in Harvey's head.

"Ohhhh." He responds in acknowledgement.

"I'm not that innocent." Harvey scoffs.

"You say this but you literally didn't understand what I was trying to insinuate a second ago." Mia laughs, Harvey narrowing his eyes at her.

"Well I apologise that I don't think of you in that way 24/7." Harvey rolls his eyes.

"Sorry, did Harvey Kitt Mills just say he thinks about me in that way?" Mia gasps in sarcastic shock, Harvey rolling his eyes at her.

"It'd be wrong if I didn't think of my girlfriend in that way." Harvey responds as she moves her hair behind her shoulder.

"Is that so?" Mia raises an eyebrow at him, the boy locking eyes with her.

"You don't believe me, do you?" Harvey inquiries, Mia shaking her head at him before rolling her eyes.

"I mean it's a bit hard to believe when we've been together for this long and still haven't-" Mia speaks, the blonde boy cutting her off with a sweet kiss.

"As I was saying." Mia provokes him by rolling her eyes.

"Are you kidding?" Harvey looks at her.

"What? It's not like I don't kiss you every time I see you." Mia scoffs, Harvey not noticing that she was teasing him. He rolls his eyes and stands up from his bed, Mia watching him walk to the door.

"I was only joking." She laughs as she stands up from the bed herself.

"I don't find it funny though." Harvey looks at her.

"I was kidding." She frowns, moving his hair out of his face.

"I was respecting your boundaries." Harvey shrugs.

"What boundaries?" She questions.

"I didn't want it to go too far in case you thought we were going too fast." Harvey admits.

"At this point in our relationship I have no boundaries with you, Mills." Mia takes her glasses off her face and puts them on top of her head.

"You sure about that?" Harvey smirks, watching her look at him with confusion.

"Yeah?" She responds wearily.

"Well in that case, you won't mind me doing this." He smiles at her slyly before pressing his lips to her neck softly which catches her by surprise due to his new found dominance. Harvey smirks to himself as he pulls away from her, Mia standing there heavily breathing which causes Harvey to laugh.

"I like this new Harvey." Mia bites her lip as she looks at him.

"Just remember you'll always be the innocent one in this relationship, Juliet." He grins, waiting for her reaction. Mia stares at him in shock, the girl unable to process her thoughts which meant she didn't exactly know what to do or how to respond. Harvey snickers as he leans towards her ear, Mia starting to feel more comfortable with what could be about to happen.

"Cat got your tongue?" Harvey whispers seductively. He stands back up straight and moves closer to her, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear and resting his hand on the base of her neck. She stares up at him in awe, Harvey smirking when he looks down at her, the girl feeling like she'd just fallen in love all over again.

"Still going too fast?" Harvey questions teasingly.

"Not at all, Mills, who do you take me for?" She grins with confidence, pulling him even closer to him. He leans down and presses his lips to hers passionately, the girl smiling as she wraps her arms around his neck, Harvey's hands moving down to hold her hips.

"Let's not take this too far though, I don't think I'm totally ready yet." Mia pulls away, resting her head on his shoulders.

"Anything you're comfortable with." Harvey smiles softly before continuing to kiss her

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