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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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March 20th, 2020

Mia laughs at something Isobel says as the teachers shush them, the two girls walking into the auditorium of the college for their assembly. Mia sits down beside Luke, crossing one of her legs over the other, her bag beside her foot as Isobel does the same on the other side of her.

"Alright, you're all here." Lisa says as she stands at the front of the assembly hall with a sad look on her face.

"As you all know, schools across England are being shut due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we as a college have been advised to shut for your safety." Lisa says as half of the assembly hall cheer, Mia laughing with Luke and Isobel.

"Now, what I want you all to do is take all your coursework home with you. I want you to make sure you have your email alerts on and you will be emailed about work shortly. I hope you all listen to the guidelines set out by the government and hope you are all staying safe whilst you're gone." Lisa continues as Mia looks at Luke for a second.

"Keep in touch with your tutors and check up on your friends. I'll see you when this is all over." Lisa says as she walks off. The entire student body all begin to move, Luke and Mia making their way to art to retrieve all of their coursework before leaving the college grounds. Mia walks Luke to his bus station before leaving him, making her way back to her house.

"Ah, you're home." Lucee smiles as Mia puts all of her stuff on the kitchen counter.

"I am." Mia grins as Lucee looks at her.

"College shut?" Lucee asks, Mia nodding at her before her phone starts ringing in her bag. She excuses herself from the kitchen to answer the call, not looking at the ID.

"Millie! I'm glad you answered." Sara bubbles as Mia smiles.

"Hey Sara." Mia responds as Lucee looks at her.

"Did your college shut?" Sara asks, Mia humming in response.

"Well, I know you and Harvey don't like spending so much time apart from each other, so if you want you can come stay with us during lockdown." Sara suggests, Mia's heart bubbling with happiness.

"You would let me?" Mia asks, Sara smiling to herself.

"Yes of course I would, I'm sure everyone would love to have you here." Sara replies as Mia looks at Lucee who could hear the conversation clearly.

"I'll drive you down." Lucee whispers as Mia smiles.

"Thank you Sara." Mia beams at Sara.

"Do you want me to tell everyone?" Sara asks as Mia thinks for a second.

"Can I surprise them?" Mia asks, Sara humming softly.

"Text me when you're down in Berkshire." Sara says as Mia grins.

"Okay, thank you Sara." Mia responds before the call ends. Mia hugs Lucee tightly before running upstairs to pack up her suitcase, making sure she packs chargers and all of her Art Stuff before she pushes it down the stairs, the suitcase landing upright. She packs everything else up in a backpack as Lucee takes her suitcase out to the car, taking all of her Coursework from the kitchen too.

"What song shall we listen to Ames?" Lucee asks as Mia gets into the passenger seat, buckling her seatbelt up. Lucee sets off driving as Mia connects her phone to the AUX, the girl playing Niall Horan's new album the entire way through before they stop at the services for dinner. Mia and Lucee sing along to random songs as Lucee drives, the two of them genuinely vibing with each other.

"Mia, listen." Lucee says as Mia furrows her eyebrows before Stranger starts playing. Mia laughs as she gets her Snapchat up on her phone, recording herself singing along to Stranger before sending it to the twins.

"Tonight I wanna fall in love, fall in love with a Stranger, and if they go break my heart then I'll just fix it later." Mia and Lucee belt out, laughing when the song finishes.

Mia smiles as she notices the familiar surroundings of Berkshire, Lucee now driving on the roads rather the motorways. Mia messages Sara to say she was close by, Sara now rushing around the house to finish the cleaning she had everyone doing. All she told the family was that someone important was coming to stay and the house needed to be spotless, so Paul and the kids were practically on their hands and knees cleaning. Lucee stops outside of the Mills' house, parking the car so she could help Mia with all of her stuff. Mia got out of the car and stretched her legs as Tilly notices the mop of brown hair, squealing as she got her shoes on and ran outside. Mia picked the girl up and hugged her tightly as the rest of the family looked through the window to see who it was.

"Harvey," Sara stops him from going outside as Harvey looks at his Mum.

"She can stay in your room with you considering she'll be here for a long time, so no funny business okay?" Sara warns her son as Harvey nods before making his way out to his girlfriend who was currently laughing at something Max said. Tilly, Leo, Max and Paul all help take her stuff inside as Harvey engulfs his girlfriend in a tight hug, kissing her forehead.

"I'm so glad you're here." Harvey says as he squeezes her tightly, picking her up off of the ground.

"Surprise I guess." Mia laughs as he puts her back down on the floor, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips.

"I love you." Harvey beams softly as Mia's heart warms.

"I love you too." Mia responds, pecking his lips softly.

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