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???? POV

" I won't let anyone be harm, just do exactly what I tell just make sure no one will know understand?" he nod to me and leave, I was doing something in my laptop.

" Hmmm I hope my calculations is on time, that man is now in italy" good thing I have few trusted personnel in me even were just three. I dialled someone in one ring she answered.

" Hey you doing good? Just hide really well and follow him ok,"

" Of course we got this"

" Alright got to go, he will call you, he just leave earlier,"

" After this you promise ok we will go for a race'

" I know I'm practicing already'

" Ok bye, its cold"

" Take care"

I press the laptop to end the call, yeah hmmmm just few more days.


" i can't believe this, they were playing on us" jongyeon said, her system has been hacked after nayeon call her, joohyun emediately tell them to fly here.

" I'll be leaving tommorow, I'll personally be in charge for this in korea, we don't know who they really after, jennie or seulgi or lisa? As what Choi tell her" joohyun said.

" And seungri said that mr manoban wife that she recognized choi now" chaeyoung said.

" If Choi said it to lisa like that what's the connection of wu ~~~" joohyun thought and stop and she gasped on the connection she construct.

" Hey unnie you ok?" Jennie asked seulgi is with them now, luckily lisa let her go, she's thinking too deep to make this all happen, she wants to kill wu and that bastard to end this.

" Please tell me I'm not wrong, I just have to makes sure that I'm right this could be all about lisa" joohyun said while pacing back and forth on her spot, they are all confused.

" Unnie jieun pleased tell me all the details about lisa aside of what we know please' joohyun asked jieun they are all confused.

" Unnnie what are you talking about, seul?" Jennie asking seulgi to get a grip, she's been thinking so much that it slip.

" Jen relax, joohyun might be right jeiun tell us" seulgi said, her heart beat is not normal at all.

" All I know, is what jisoo told me her grandfather found lisa in forest bloody, alone,  when her grandfather go back in that place, the place is been on fire then~" jeiun don't want to say it cause she swear to jisoo that they will not tell it, but in her mind it's about time.

" Honestly we thought shes a boy, because when lisa came her clothing is for boys design then it all change when she turns 6, her features is changing like, she develop a breast early, but it's stop in her teen and it doesn't grow much then her face its more girly" jeiun said and she stand up and go to window.

" her first name before is mario because it's the initial they saw in her belongings, I was the one tell jisoo that lisa is intersex since I do my research that time when I was in village, me and my late father go to the city that's when I know about it, that's why jisoo change it to lisa since." Jeiun face them and  sighed.

" I don't know what's the connection about lisa and this situation joohyun, but if this is not good please don't" jieun said afraid that this will cause more damage to lisa.

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