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After the lunch the guest is now resting and taking a nap inside, they don't mind the space, they love the homey feeling and the scent of the house makes them warm and calm, even chaeyoung who sleep on the spot.

They change into more comfortable clothes, they still not talking, as in talk , talking coz everyone is tired, also jisoo said there going to have barbeque later at the shed. Jisoo and lisa now is outside laying in the shed, and there giggling and laughing.

" Take a nap baby lay in my lap I miss you you know"  jisoo said, then lisa lay her head and facing jisoos tummy, closing her eyes , feeling the caress jisoo gave in her head

" Eomma" lisa said in soft voice

" Yes baby now sleep' jisoo said.

There are times lisa is like this calling jisoo eomma, she don't mind and jisoo understand, shes trying to fill what emptiness lisa feels. Few minutes lisa sleep and jisoo also they cuddle in the shed.

Before lisa and jisoo woke up, there's seulgi, and  joohyun wake up first.

" Wanna make tea for them?' " seulgi asked joohyun

" Sure, and you surely know this house huh?" Joohyun said, she don't have time to do things here before, so she's not familiar, basically lisa do it for her.

" Yeah a little we stay her like two days or 3, we fly actually, we land on where lisa just plowing earlier" seulgi shared.

" Ohh so this is where they go that time seo told me' joohyun thought, remembering seo report that they fly privately.

" Woow that was fun" joohyun said while she help seulgi gathering the  woods to lit it up.

" Yeah it's jisoo first time, and she don't show it but I can sense she freaked out" seulgi said then put the woods on fire and put water in kettle.

" Its amaze me that we connected us with same couple of persons, you know small world?" Joohyun laughed, they have same connection through lisa and jisoo.

" I believe in fate joohyun, I know there's always purpose why we meet people, they came and go and few only stay, and the two of them I'll make sure they stay" seulgi meaningfully said,

" I can see that you adore them seulgi, sorry if I pry" joohyun is more stating a fact.

" It's ok joohyun, and I don't deny it though, look that two" seulgi point where jisoo and lisa.

" Contentment, loyalty, love,  faith and everything nice, they are perfect with each other, its home with them I can feel it, its like a good virus you want it to stick in your body forever, that's  what they are to me"seulgi told her and joohyun can feel the sincerety in her words

" Your not alone seulgi, your not alone" joohyun said then they hear laughter, coz jisoo is now tickling lisa to wake up.

" Lets finish this so we can hand it to them, I really like the smoke of wood now with the scent of nature its homey" joohyun said finishing the tea while the smoke is everywhere.

" True" seulgi gets breads and chocolate chips she bring from city, the chips is made from very known bakery in city, just for lisa.

Seulgi hear jennie calls her, she answered then jennie will be there soon, also chaeyoung.

" I guess they all awake, lets bring it to them" joohyun said then seulgi shout.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now