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Lisa's session is still on going, the technique dr. sandara and dr. Lee used is new for lisa, they believe that lily, luca and limario is still lisa, Lisa's personality.


" Take this pill it will lessen your hangover" joohyun handed her the pill and glass of water, its been days since then, chaeyoung is always drunk.

" Thank you unnie" chaeyoung chugged it and take a deep breath, remembering what happen she buried her face on pillow.

" Take a shower first, I'll prepare something for you too eat, don't make me wait" joohyun said and leave, she's serious now and chaeyoung knows it and she obliged.

Chaeyoung stood up and strip and went o bathroom, she take a hot shower for her tensed muscles relax.

" Haiist what did I do again" chaeyoung feeling down she drink again and make nasty things that her unnie even caught her.

" Shiiiit!" Chaeyoung punch the tiles to her anger for herself, embarrassment is understatement, disappointed even and disgusted.

" Even jisoo won't like me more if she knows me" chaeyoung thought, she grab her towel, get fresh boxer and trouser, and hoodie then dress quickly.

She sit emediately on the chair since joohyun is waiting to her. Chaeyoung says is apologies for taking so long. Joohyun let her eat in peace she knows it's not time to scold her.

Chaeyoung finish her food, she feels better now, she say her thanks to joohyun and shes  about to leave, to get  change to working clothes.

" What happened chaeyoung,?" Joohyun sternly said, chaeyoung promise her not going in that club again. Chaeyoung close her eyes and stop.

" Look unnie im sorry, and I mean it, I know I promise but this will be the last ok, I have no explanation for my actions I'm just" chaeyoung close her eyes and clam down thinking about seulgi and jisoo. Joohyun stand up and hold chaeyoung to sit on the couch.

" Chaeyoung, its ok to be hurt cause that's what make us learn and grow, use it to be better not on embracing it to put you down. " Joohyun told her and chaeyoung just keep quiet.

" Prove yourself not for others to be proud but for your self, your park chaeyoung intelligent and charmingly handsome chipmunk," joohyun lighten her words.

" Just remember always chaeyoung, if the person didn't notice you doesn't mean it lessen you as a person, we can't pleased everyone, and we can't force, go with the flow don't hurt others and even your self know your limits chaeyoung it's for your own good, and besides seulgi is now your friend right" joohyun know what happen jennie and her talked and jennie share it to her.

' thank you unnie, I know it's just, sometimes it slip in my head don't worry I'll keep that in mind" chaeyoung said and mentally scolding herself for not thinking.

" Now go and work many people need you in the company I'll see you tonight" Joohyun said if the shoot and and pictorials will be quick this time.

" Thank you unnie and sorry again' chaeyoung hugged and kiss her then run to her room to change, joohyun is leaving to the location where seungri is waiting for her.

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