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Jisoo and lisa arrive in village jisoo mediately drop the deliver and get paid so they can buy street food and buy some stuff.

While walking Lisa is little anxious coz she hears whispering, her confidence shrieking and Jisoo notice and cheer her up, they eat and shop and buy lisas clothing, while jisoo is little busy chosing books she didn't notice that Lisa is not in her side.

" I hear something outside the shop, i trace where it came from, and found it in alley, a man playing guitar, its so amazing and soothing to hear " lisa thought

While lisa listening to the guitar man not so  far is a group of kids notice her.

" hey kid nice scarf, but not look good on you hahahahha" fat kid said

"yess give it to him now!" other kid while trying to grip her scarf

" no please it's from my chichuni " gripping it like her life depends on it a fear creeping into her, afraid that they will see her face.

But the kids is persistent and pulling and pushing lisa,  until her scarf loose in her neck and exposing lisas face.

" YAHHH yooouu monster!!! while kicking lisa


" haaaiiissst that kid where is she!" jisoo, hoping that lisa is safe and just roaming around, if something happens to lisa she can't  forgive herself never.

Jisoo search where lisa might go, she even dont know the streets here and that gives panic and fear to jisoo until.

Jisoo saw group of kids, loud enough that caught her attention, she's going to take turn but she sees something that get her attention and run when she recognized the red scarf.

",YAAAHHHHH STOP YOUUUUU!." Jisoo was about to smack those kids but she stop when she get a glimpse of lisa, lisa curled and very weak and theres a dripping blood in her forhead, that make jisoo enraged she about to hit them with rock but lisa stop her.

" chichuuunnnnii no please lets gooo " lisa said trying to be strong and give here a timid smile, its make more jisoo fuming to the kids, she's ready to make a step but.

"please lets go home unnnie" that makes jisoo melt the sweetest and weak voice of lisa can make you soft they didn't even notice the kids is out of nowhere.

" of course sweetie, i got you ok " jisoo give lisa smile saying everything is going to be alright. she carries lisa in her back after fixing her scarf. jisoo put lisa first in there cart saying just stay there for awhile she'll be back in minute just to get all the thing they left in store.

 jisoo put lisa first in there cart saying just stay there for awhile she'll be back in minute just to get all the thing they left in store

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When they got home jisoo take care lisa firts and treat Lisa's bruise and cut, jisoo is so quiet and careful not to hurt lisa. But lisa sense something.

"chichuni, im fine im strong see, i know what you thinking, its not your fault ok, please smile for me?" lisa said giving lisa a loving smile.

AND thats the time jisoo breakdown!

" im sorry im soory baby, im sorry forgive me its my fault why your hurt, im so useless i didn't protect you" a loud sob from jisoo the fear of losing the only family she have.

"unnnniiiiieeeee its not your fault ok olease i dont want to see you cry i love you unnie, i will be strong more coz i dont want you to worry and i will protect you unnnieeeee" lisa whisper to jisoo giving kisses in her head and the hug is getting tight, showing that they will have each other through thick and thin.

When Lisa's stomach growling so loud that break the tension. because of embarrassment lisa blush and hide her face in crock of jisoos neck.

"oooopppsss someone is hungry" they both giggling and hugging both silently swear that they will give everything for each other and be there and love each other there bond has been sealed and only death can break it.

" kajah!!! lets eat cause the monkey is hungry" the night is full of teasing and laughing, the night is bright even if the gas lamp is there only source of light, but both girls know that without each other there be no light in there life.

cont sorry typo grammat i intend to right fast cause i have this tendency to forgot what i want to express the story..gooodnigh

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