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3 MONTHS has been passed lisa was in her usual routine they talk and exchange messages with jisoo in there schedule time in which lisas convenient, and those months jisoo travel back home for lisa which is her stress reliever, in her new field of work which is stressful, even though  jennie and her get along so well but still there are times that jennie is being difficult due to stress and pack up schedule, which jisoo understand.

She get used to live in the city but wishing to make her savings enough so that she can get home and live the life she used to. Lisa being spoiled by her unnie, when everytime jisoo get home jisoo get her stuff from the city like books, toys and chocolate that lisa never tasted before, of course when its jisoos time to get back to city they always emotional and swear promises and iloveyou will never be enough in there separation.

Lisa always going back to the cabin and for second time there is a note from the owner for her.


i can see you find my note and i see you really take good care to this place, we still dont know each other but hoping someday for our meet up. im quite busy this days and i envy you, how did i know you take care my place,? once a week i have personnel to check it for me and he tells me you grow flowers which im so excited to see it for myself, so in the first monday of this coming month i will be there to see it and im giving you a hint to meet me up.

my name is joohyun by the way

Which lisa feel excited in unknown reasons, but also scared what if joohyun will be terrified of her, that give lisa dilemma whether to be there or not at the same time. And also she forgot to tell it to jisoo which is understandable cause when there together they really focus to each other and jisoo buy her a tablet with full of variety of movies mostly disney they watch movie when jisoo is there.

Lisa's reading recipe of tteokbokki and instructions which jisoo left for her, she ask jisoo about it and jisoo is so excited and never ask questions why she suddenly want to cook it, but still comply and help her.


Lisa is somehow excited, she cook and took a bath of course, her plan is just to drop the tteobboki and say her gratitude toward the owner for allowing her to stay once in awhile in her cabin, that was her plan.

" yeah i just have to be quick and go i dont want her to see me much, im afraid that I'll scare her." lisa talking loudly as she starting to hike and hoping she'll be the first one to arrived so see can start the fire to warm the cabin for the owner.

On her way she pick some flowers and make it a simple bouquet. she feel giddy all of the sudden.

 she feel giddy all of the sudden

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"eh why im picking this? aissst i dont want her to feel uncomfortable, she will find me creepy now, ahhh but i just want to give it" lisa is talking to herself, shes getting nearer and her nerves has never been calm ever since and its getting worst.

" it seems like the luck is on me, shes not her yet i just put this inside and leave some notes ok thats it! ehhh ahhhh im so genius right!" lisa compliment herself by thinking an instant solution when shes about to write the door open and.


" Okay now im doomed!" lisa internally scream, but she stare on what she sees she cant believe it.



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