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They were now settled in one of high end restaurant in gangnam area, unfortunately mino leave jisoo with miss kang since mino got call from maeng that its ok its true that ms. kang is in charge.

" so ms kim lets order first, i know your hungry, since you've just arrived right? dont worry its on me" ms kang politely said

" just jisoo ms. kang, and thank you" they gave the order to the waiter in charge, no one talk till they begin eating.

" lets just finish eating first, lets talk properly over tea after ok and just call me suelgi" she can sense that jisoo is a person you can trust but you can't fool and too kind for the industry,


" im going to talk first jisoo ok im going to tell you who you going to work with," seulgi said so  jisoo can decide whether to stay or leave.

" you'll be working with jennie, she's a model very wealthy , Daddy's girl, talented and also very private person, i let you know this im the only one knows the real jennie kim, why im looking someone to work with her with a condition that some how unique in this industry like no one knows her? well you know everyone want Jennie's downfall, some used her for money and fame, the kid just like  what shes doing but along with all glamour around her, people who envy her to the extent want to ruined her, you know what im saying?. suelgi trying to explain not  spilling more info

" ahhh mino mentioned this why her middle name is the brat? jisoos is just curious, though she dont mind she came for work not to be friends with them.

" well that's for you to know jisoo, im going to put all my cards for you coz i feel it that you need this job for someone, i dont want to pry ok, if you decide now im going to take you were you going to live in your entire work so miss kim, dont worry im here to guide and help." suelgi said it with honesty there's a silence then jisoo speak.

" i really want to have this job ms.kang, true im doing this for someone, i found the job easy but little nervous about the person I'm goin to be with, it give me ease when you said you'll be there alongside, but im jisoo im ok,  can i ask one favor ms.kang.?" jisoo praying ms kang will say yes, suelgi nod for jisoo to continue

" can i have 3 days off straight  every end of month?.becau.........." before jisoo finish her sentence ms kang stood up and

"YES! its settled then you're hired"!... suelgi give jisoo a hand to sealed it, few minutes suelgi give jisoo the contract and first few list to remember while working the rest will be in the way, term and salary and everything, suelgi settled everything and they were on there way to jisoos apartment.

Jisoo get her new phone not latest but useable, she send lisa a message.

" lisayaaahhh did you get home safe? eat ok dont skip meals, im well here so im praying for you too, tomorrow i will message you about my work schedule so we can work the calling part ok, i know the signal in our place is not secure, i know that you read my letter now, and i  have 3 days off at the end of month i will come home iloveyou baby be safe ok i miss you already goodnight"

jisoo put the phone in the table and take a deep breath and.

" i can do this, i can do this its already hard this will be the longest i will be away from lisa, i can do this,' jisoo prayed before she drift off to wonderland with tear of missing her lisa.

" i can do this, i can do this its already hard this will be the longest i will be away from lisa, i can do this,' jisoo prayed before she drift off to wonderland with tear of missing her lisa

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sorry grammar and typo
lazy much

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