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The day has come for them to leave the farm, they will just waiting for seulgi. Even leo and lucy is ready, like really. Lisa is little excited and nervous she don't know what to feel, its normal it's first time to ride a plane.

Jisoo pack just few since she still have clothes left in jennies penthouse, she brings the very important belongings, since the home will be abandon for little long, for sure this will be ruined or might the thief's will know no one is home, but that's not her concern more, as long as she get all the important things, the ring.

" Were finally can fly can you believe it?" Lily thought

" We know, but stay calm what I see in movies, for the first time you feel something unsual" luca thought

Jieun never take her eyes to lisa seems, she's giggling and mouthing something they can't hear, jisoo saw it to.

" Maybe she was talking to lily, I saw this to other patients but, they say, and talk it loud, unlike what we saw" jieun said.

" Eun if lisa talking loud to herself,  is that what they call " jisoo can't say it but jieun knows.

" That's what stupid person labeled people with special cases, crazy but no, it was illness  and even it can't be cured it will be lessen and minimize or we can rid it off that person alter ego, I want to know why lily exist there's always a reason for it soo," jieun tell

" Its just i don't want to hear someone will call her that way jieun, coz she's not she's still my lisa jieun" jisoo looking at lisa back seems like shaking due to giggling, later on they hear noise signed that the plane is near.

Lisa stood up to her seat, and looking up the sky to see where it is.

" Look over there unnies, its seulgi" lisa point the sky they see it already, lisa waved like seulgi can see her.

The plane is flying in circles, to prepare to land, seulgi calculate the area first since she bring little bigger plane now than before, in few minutes of manuevering, the bear is landed.

" Lisa don't run, lets stay here first let's wait seulgi's signal" jisoo said lisa can't stay still she's so excited to get near.

" Its different now, the wings 20 diameters wide than before, pit is bigger, same brand but the model I think is latest one" lisa said in her calm voice

" How you even know it, its look the same" jisoo said

" I just know unnie" lisa said and giggle

They saw the door open the its seulgi but she have companion three persons. Makes lisa stay still then no express, she step back, get closer and stay on jisoos back, jiuen saw it then.

" Its ok lisa" jieun said then jisoo rub her back but still lisa didn't make an eye contact. Seulgi saw it so she said to the people to stay on there spot.

" Hi soo, jieun, lisa?" Seulgi eyeing lisa lift her hand asking for fist bump, seulgi wait.

" Hi bear" lisa greet then she fist bump seulgi and take a peak on seulgis back, if there near so she stay still.

" I'm sorry didn't tell I bring someone, well that one veterinarian, we need help to put lucy and leo in plane" seulgi said, then lisa makes a frown seulgi saw it.

" Well lisa we need him, for lucy and leo proper care, you know it's there first time to ride plane right? You too but you have your unnies with you then lucy and leo will be in the spot for them, and that person will take care of them is that ok?" Seulgi explained, they wait seem lisa is debating,

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