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" Hyung this is not good idea, it's dangerous"

" Trust me, will be not hurt, now help them"

" I'm scared"

" Don't worry princess were here, it's beautiful here come hold my hand"

" One, two up!"

Group of kids is now on a bunk watching a sunset, good thing there's a railing to hold but still it's dangerous to there ages. The three eldest who's in same age is there leader.

" Mama is coming home tonight"

" Yeah, and I beat auntie gets me what I requested"

They high five and watching there maknaes for there safety, later on .


Everyone watches there back and look at there partner in crime, then everyone hop into cable cart to send them back to there main home.

" I'll be get scold again by your moms, I told you not to get here without them, accident do happen even how careful you are"

" We're sorry uncle soo" kids said and they know they are at fault. When they arrived they saw there mom's peeling garlic's and corns.

" Sit down"

One command and everyone, seated on there spot from the eldest to the youngest. No one is talking, they wait for there mom's to talk, even though the kids are born with golden spoon they never spoiled them or tolerate them in whatever they like to do, they gave limits but still not to strict that makes them resent there parents, they know they are special ones in society.

" The eldest first start from rule one then next"

the household mistress, the patriarch the voice of the house said, then the eldest gulp and breathe calmly.

" 1. Safety Don't answer the door when Mom's in the shower. Sit on the furniture only (no standing or jump, Everyone can share their feelings as long as they show respect, Use kind words only." Then the eldest nudge the second eldest, and he clears his throat.

" Hmmm 2. Rules Apologize when you're sorry
Don't hurt others, Tell the truth, Treat others fairly." Then he smile identical to his momma, then it his cousin next, he fix his glasses.

" 3. Rule Brush your teeth after breakfast. Lunch and dinner, Put your dirty clothes in the hamper." Then he pout. The next one is murmuring like she's memorizing next rule.

" 4. Rules Share your toys with your brother and sisters, Take turns while playing the game, phone-free zone in meal or with the elders, no gadget while in sleep" she sighed thinking she misbehave and ignore the rule. Then she look at her left who's about to sleep then there mom, make a sound enough for her to know it's her turn.

" 5. Rule always tells where we going?" She's not sure if it's five or six, the mom squinting there eyes to her and she just give them peace sign, good thing the next one remember, what's next.

" 6. Rule Ask permission to borrow other people's belongings.
Do not hurt anyone's body (no hitting, pushing, or kicking).
Do not hurt anyone's feelings (no yelling, put-downs, or name-calling)." he smirk to his hyung and look at his side and the boy same as his age with cold face speak in his monotone voice.

" 7. Rule Knock on Closed Doors Before Entering, always do homework before playing" his said and didn't move after. They are the only one allows to speak since they are the eldest of the among the kids.

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