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chaeyoung shouts and dragged seulgi with her, seulgi supposed to say something but she didn't given a chance to. They saw jisoo throw something but they go out already.

Jisoo supposed to  throw her bag to chaeyoung and seulgi but, lisa hold her unnies hand and she bend down a little and lift her unnie in her shoulder like a sack, and bring her to there room.

" Put me down lisa, I'm going to cut those arrrgh" jisoo shot until it's all muffled sounds they can hear.

Joohyun and jennie still in there feet being glued. Then jieun tap there shoulder.

"'close you mouth girls," jieun giggling on there state.

"Aaahh yeah, I mean ohh I'll go yeah I i i take shower that's right yeahhh" jennie can't composed her words.

" Yeah yess oh in me too I need, yeah yeas water" joohyun rush to fridge to get water but she gets milk.

Then both disappeared blushing mess, just like a snapped. Jieun remain in Her seat, she will just wait for jisoo to cool down since, its also her fault

" Hihihi this is epic," jieun drink water.

Seulgi is waiting for jisoo outside, after what happened they still go for little trip since jisoo really need it.

" Sorry I take so long lisa is heavy" jisoo just arrived where seulgi is waiting. They talk earlier what happen she scolded jieun about it, the girls sleep since they are all exhausted.

" Not at all, here wear this" seulgi help jisoo to wear a light coat, it's not cold but they have to fight for insects bite its tropical country after all.

" Thanks seul, so where we going?" Jisoo said then cling in seulgi's arm like it's natural thing to do.

" Not that far, lets go" seulgi lead her the way, seulgi have a stick on her hand, to shove those itchy leaves. Then not that long they arrived.

" Wow how do you know this place?" Jisoo is amaze its a little hut house facing the sea, you can smell the sea breeze and soothing sound of waves hitting the sands and stones.

" Wow how do you know this place?" Jisoo is amaze its a little hut house facing the sea, you can smell the sea breeze and soothing sound of waves hitting the sands and stones

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" I've been here before this hut is resting place for the surfers but at night it's close but now it's special so, lets get in" seulgi open the door its cozy inside.

" I've been here before this hut is resting place for the surfers but at night it's close but now it's special so, lets get in" seulgi open the door its cozy inside

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