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I woke up early as usual, I like this morning smell, is saw my unnies sleeping like a princess oh my loving unnie, I kiss her on forehead and also my other unnie, I love them both, but of course I love more my chichuunnnie.

I get up slowly not wake my unnie, I grab my jacket and scarf , when i got out the room i chuckled on the view that welcomes me. Seulgi and chaeyoung hugging each other, joohyun and jennie sleeping like a princess. I look at the two girls who's looking so pretty.

" My precious joojoo and Nini such a beautiful view,"

" She's pretty those gummy smile I love the most"

" Joojoo laugh can take your stress away"

" Those stares is something, that makes you weak'

I just giggle, I remember that i need to feed leo and lucy, then i get out with out doing any noise. I stretches my muscles before lifting heavy stuff, i jog around the field,

" Who do you think did this to my face?"

" I don't know maybe its accident? "

" Maybe your born with it?"

" Someone dont want me to be alive?"

" I don't know, don't think about it, unnie will be sad if you look sad"

" Your right lily"

" Yeah, maybe I'm born with it, yeah your also right luca"

" Just always be careful lisa, not all people is good like unnie, don't let your self get hurt unnie will be sad"

" I know limario, I'm trying not too trust too much aside to my unnies, but unnies friends right, and joojoo you feel it too right?. I asked Limario and she nod.

" I like both of them lis, they are beautiful" limario stated

" Yeah so do I," lisa is giggling

" Lets finish this want to cook for them too," lisa said chopping the last piece of wood.

Lisa stop and inhale, then she smiles remember what to cook, she sees it on internet.

" I hope unnie will love it, hmm pretty sure I have supply for it, still I'll make rice, yeah I need my morning rice , without it im incomplete" lisa said

The Sun still not rising, but the birds is chirping and some rooster making noises, I'm relax on this kind of sound, who doesn't? I saw this on video they record this kind of noises to heal those stress. I started lit some fire, water for showers, I don't want them to get cold.

" Hmmm let's do this" i said smiling and palm my mouth to for making noise and giggles

I start to pour the ingredients, I do rice, I brew coffee for them to and tea. Slice vegetables for soup and some meat stew,.

" Ohh I forgot the strawberries and blueberries to caramelize it" lisa said and get it emediately

" This must be good, I think I broke my arm whisking it" lisa said while wiping her sweat.

" I feel good today," lisa said while flipping it she hear little noise inside she assume someone is awake.

When I smell it I know who's there on my back already, my pretty unnie. She backhugging me and she said her goodmorning and iloveyou.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now