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4:00 am

"aaahhhhh uhhhaaaaa"

the couple wake up due to the crying baby, even to its sleepiness they have to get up to get the baby and know the reason to its crying.

"ohhh come here, its ok angel we got you yeobo get the milk for angel please"

the lady said, still the baby didn't stop crying even they check her bum might be wet but no its not even hungry.

"its oks sshhhh"

She's  swaying the baby but still no avail, due to loud scream of the baby a child wake up.

"chichi come here watch the baby ill just get some herbal outside she might have tummy ache"

"ok grandma,"

the child try to get closer to the baby, rub her tummy while humming the crying stop in quiet sob.

"sorry baby does your wound hurt still? let me kiss that coz my mama said it will take pain away"

she kiss the baby and baby stay calm after that and child cuddle the baby still rubbing her tummy.

" what is your name? im jisoo but grandma call me chichi, ohh hihihi forgot babie cant talk"

the lady comeback and surprise that the baby is sleeping with her grandchild.

" ahhh its so dark and cold out there" the man complain while getting in.

"shhhh quiet there sleeping" she scold his husband.

"what we should do about the baby yeobo? the man ask,

"lets just wait someone will come and look for the missing baby lets just take care the angel for now and its first time i saw chichi sleeping like that like peaceful after what happen to her parents, anyway let just wait also the baby is still healing to his wounds'"

"i wonder what happen to him? where are his parents poor child" she thought

5 years later🐒

" aaisssh where is that kid again? i search the farm already but none  tsk" jisoo said while searching every corner of farm even hills.

"ahh pabo why i didn't think she might be in stream, aish that monkey!" before she go she pick some blueberry and strawberry on her way to stream.

" this will make her happy, the monkey supposed to love banana but she like berrys more hihihi"

while getting near to stream jisoo already see her monkey sitting under big tree where there favorite spot to rest.

" yaaaah lisssssaaaaa yaaaahhh you monkey where have you been why you runaway in nursery.?"

while getting nearer she hear lisa sobbing,that make jisoo worry and hurry her pace.

"heey what happened? stop crying I'm here now" cooing toodler

" chichuuni the the kids say im a monster" still sobbing and makes jisoo furious to those kids .

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