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Joohyun, jennie and seulgi is in the shed, spacing out and chaeyoung was little far with them also spacing . They don't like what they see.

" I get you jay park, you don't know who you just messing up" chaeyoung thought shes mad, mad, mad, seulgi also think the same time.

" Why there are such person like that? Why?" Jennie voice out then she cry the tears she's trying to hold.

" Jennie" joohyun hugged her

" Don't worry jennie, I'll take care of it, we can get justice for it" joohyun coldly said she can't express how angry she is.

" This is my fault, if only I just insist to go with her this wont be happen" seulgi blaming herself what happen.

" Don't blame yourself bro, we didn't know this will gonna be happen, don't worry we will got this"' chaeyoung patted and squeeze seulgi's shoulder.

Inside is jisoo and jieun, cleaning lisa, and put medicine to her and  they are not talking, jisoo is beyond anger, but she need to be calm for lisa, lisa don't like it when she's being mad.

" Jieun we have guests, can I asked favor~" jisoo has been cut off.

" Its ok Soo, I don't mind ok just be here, lisa will  freak out when she wakes up when your not here, I'll got this" jieun said and hugged jisoo, then she exit the room.

She get outside, look at the her watch, she decide to make them lunch and soup for lisa, she get the cooler in the cart, since it's still in there.

The four saw her, struggling on the cooler, then they help her, to put it on the kitchen, says her thanks.

" Thanks, this is unpleasant time to meet you allbut, nice to meet you all I'm lee jieun, jisoos bestfriend" she bowed to them and they also introduce there selves.

" Thanks, this is unpleasant time to meet you allbut, nice to meet you all I'm lee jieun, jisoos bestfriend" she bowed to them and they also introduce there selves

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" Im going to cook, what do like to have?, Soo asked me to take care of her guest," she inquire and shes glad she could help.

" Miss. Lee we can help," joohyun said.

" Just jieun, its ok no offense but you all look hella rich" jieun joke too lighten the mood.

" Hahaha you can say that, but yeah we can help, you have no idea that siblings, what they teach us" jennie said and she already likes jieun,

" Well jieun hope we can bond with you more when were still here, We will just get woods, need any?" Seulgi asked them.

" Yes please can you get the dried leaves its hanging near where they stock the woods please" jieun said and smile then chaeyoung nod also and get out.

They all work, they just leave the fish, coz jieun said it's lisa favorite fish, maybe jisoo will grilled it later, and jisoo said lisa eat fish if it's jisoos cooking.

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