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" Good afternoon young miss" the guard greeted her, she greet him too, then drive a little then she park the car near infront of fountain.

Jennie greeted by the butler, she smile and ask for her mother the butler said she is in her room, then she proceed, now the visit is different coz she had an agenda to do.

" Now i notice, every corner of the house theres a cctv camera, bodyguards pass every 10 minutes, theres also outside just roaming around. " Jennie thought She neglect this long time ago that this is really  something wrong.

" When i open the door i saw my fake mother sitting in the edge of the bed, her back facing me" jennie thought and observe even theres a camera focusing on her, her heart is beating so fast than her normal one, she have to act.

" Hi mommy i miss you so much" she greet her like always, but she have act and exceed effort coz now she have mission to do, in her peripheral view the camera move it means someone is watching maybe her father or someone will report what happened here so.

" Mom i have something to tell you about my shoot to Paris my recent gig, mom they invite me again in there next season in front row, it my favorite brand mom." Jennie talk with excitement.

Jennie is talking as usual, but her eyes is roaming but nothing suspicious things she can get. She keep on rambling, then an idea flash on her.

She get her phone, and pretends she want to share something to her fake mom.

" Her look mom ill take you in this city too soon its beautiful in here, and the water and air is so fresh" jennie flash her the photo then after next flip is o word in bold letters.

" WHO ARE YOU" jennie feels that the lady  breathing hitched, her heart is so loud in anticipation. Then she put back the phone in her pocket then she hug the lady.


While they were hugging a very slow move of the fake mother, she put her hand above jennies hand then she draw a pattern, that jennie didn't catch it, then the fake mom did it again that makes jennie tear up.


" I WILL comeBACK and HELP me in my outfit, YOU choose for me on the event OK" jennie said that she prolong the word that she want to say to her  fake mom.

" I WILL BACK, HELP YOU OK" thats what she was trying to say

She hurriedly get out of the room and holding her crying while running to her car, she start the car and drive fast so that she can vent out, shes already far and park in isolated area.

" ARRRRRRGGG I HATE YOU DAD I HATE YOU!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY MOM" jennie is crying and shouting, her anger to her father reach to the highest.

" Confirm shes not my mom, i have to get her out soon she will be the one who will help me" jennie said between her sob, she composed herself before shes going home and talk things suelgi about it.


" Why im so early , im obviously excited again to see that cutie" joohyun sighed, supposedly tomorrow is day they will meet like her letter said but joohyun is way to excited she even brings groceries, gifts, chocolate anything that caught her eyes is for lisa she bring it.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now