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We're now celebrating our loving dada 100th birthday, we're so lucky that shes still here with us, despite in her electric wheelchair, and some harness to keep her on seat because of her back problem, then an oxygen to help her breath, shes all smiley despite not recognizing us all.

Yes our dada is the only one left among all, we are well aware on her case even we're still kids, and she thought she see  us like her old pals, she thought ella unnie is mom jenjen, me as mommy joojoo everyone have resemblance to her beloved friends and unnies.

10 years ago mommy left already, even before she left dada, dada has a memory problem already that's why she's really stating to take good care of her until they fetch her in time.

Its blessings in disguise also that her memory is bad so we dont see her sad, like mama chu left, then next and next its worsen her state, but still shes dada the harmless one and loving one.


Dada said pertaining about chocolate cake, we all giggling because we can see her smile looking on her cake, unnie sakura slice her one, and dada call her chichunnniiii on her old voice.

We didn't hire a nurse to look for her, we have everyone's hands to look for dada, even my husband jero, yes only son of mom jenjen, his hands on to dada even her meal.

Our 6 years old son run on dada side, he really looks like dada, a very little lisa clone, everyone is happy that dada is still strong and fighting, but we know we have to be prepared coz if time comes mommy fetch her we have to be strong.

They raised us for what we are today, we all have there legacy and wealth passed to us, we are trained for how to use it not for us but to help just like THE MBPK, our last name combine the biggest and wealthiest in the world, but still we all live in the farm.

The farm that we grown with, the farm the our parents love the most. We all know the secrets behind our names, im a manoban but were using bae, but since im married im a kim now. We know every secrets and what happened before, they passed them to us to have knowledge and avoid incest of course.

" We already cleared our schedule for next month we're all free, since its kid break time and also its time for kids to learn" Daehan kim manoban eldest of mama bear and mommy jisoo, asked my brother leonard eldest among all the eldest but still we look up oppa daehan as our head on the family.

" Thats great, im looking forward to renovation also in the cabin" oppa leonard said, her wife unnie ella on her side feed there sixth child and also shes 6 month pregnant already.

" Well its all ready for them to learn it i prepare everything" my jero said, ahh his really hot everytime he talk his deep voice is so manly.

After the party kids is now sleeping due to exhaustion, us still in study room just talking here and there, and then

" Masters, ahh master lisa is asking for your presence" butler haha said which we frown coz its first at this hours dada is awake, we start getting up as haha leading us to dada bedroom.

" Why shes awake haha?" Jero ask as we all ride on elevator.

" We're also shock coz the buzzer in my room lit up, it's in master lisa room, i run to there might one of you call my presence, but seeing shes awake and alone then she suddenly speak looking to all of you" haha said which we're happy coz it been a long time since.

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