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" LISAAAA!" jisoo scream

" LISAAAA!" jisoo scream

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Lisa is pedaling in speed, jisoo is in her back its been hour since they are in park. Lisa emediately learned how to ride and drive a bike which jisoo surprised.

She's been screaming so much since lisa is teasing her in speeding up. Jinhyuk is not to far from them using binocular so he can check on them time to time.

" Unnie stay still will crashed if you keep wiggling, and my ears I'll be deaf soon" lisa shout back to jisoo who's grip in Lisa's hoodie is getting tighter. Little more lisa stop the bike on the side then jisoo slump down in the grass knees is shaking.

" Ohh my poor unnie is getting old, she's getting weak on bikes" lisa teas again but swipe jisoo sweats forming on her forehead. Then jisoo smack Lisa's arm, which lisa laugh how light her unnie can punch.

" Yaaah I will never ride a bike again, its better when I imagine it, but this is a no," jisoo is little panting but still her smile plastered on her face permanently.

" I'll teach you unnie in the farm, lucy is old we can't ride to her now" lisa told her.

" Thank you for this baby, you planned all this" jisoo holding lisa hand.

" Its way too far to end our date to say that unnie, there's morrreeee" lisa stand up help jisoo to stand, jisoo wipe and fix Lisa's mask and hoodie. Theres no to many people in park today.

' honey look at them they are so sweet"

" What a cute couple"

" I envy them my boyfriend can never be that tall lady gentleness"

Peoples reaction who saw them together, they thought they are couple, to those who don't know really think that way. They are now walking and chatting appreciating the view and bridge.

" Lets take little snack unnie" lisa saw jinhyuk set the picnic mat. Will she asked favor for it when they get back to set the mat.

Jennie prepare them snacks and hot choco. Its just fresh jennie was there earlier she saw them and then leave after few minutes, she just handed jinhyuk the picnic basket for them. When they get there jisoo saw the basket with a note.

" Poopoo and unnie enjoy take many photos " jennie

That make lisa smile and jisoo too, lisa put the note in her sling, she take photo too, her unnie, the view even earlier, jisoo putting helmet and knee pads to ride a bike, jisoo is her muse and lisa enjoys taking photo she even take a snap of jinhyuk.

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