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They spent well after the bonfire, more like just being lazy and all. Chaeyoung and jieun even go to the mainland looking for the flowers for proposal, they spent it with fun more for chaeyoung it's like a date.

The manoban joins them every meals since that's was the only time they can have conversations and to see her nearer even lisa just saying few words to them but it's enough she even say her thanks to there presents.

Seulgi is getting nervous as the day gets nearer, the people around her is involved in preparation, lisa is excited too, she almost blurted about it to jisoo in one of there meals that makes seulgi went pale.


" young miss your too early" kwangsoo said to lisa, she's anxious really, she hates this feeling.

" I don't know, its just" lisa can't figure out her words she keep on sighing.

" Its ok, today is the big day" kwang soo said preparing food for breakfast, then chaeyoung came and seulgi.

" Goodmorning lisa" seulgi greet her but lisa didn't greet back, makes them confused her face sulking, makes seulgi worried and chaeyoung, kwangsoo just shrugged it when they try to asked him.

" Are you hurt?" Seulgi asked she put her palm on her forehead but her temperature is normal.

" Seul your not taking away my unnie to me right?" Lisa said and there, her heart speaks for her, makes them melt on Lisa. Her love for her sister is strong, seulgi emediately grab Lisa's hand to stand and walk with here somewhere, chaeyoung nod to her she got this.

They walk and walk hand in hand, if you don't know them they look like a couple now. Seulgi stop in big stone.

" Come here sit with your bear" seulgi patted her side and lisa did still her heart is hurting thinking her unnie will not be with her anymore.

" Lisa, when I first saw your unnie in cafe, that time my heart is beating so madly, I have to keep cool cause I don't want to be embarrassed I front of her" seulgi take Lisa's hand to that she can connect with lisa more.

" Then when I figure out what I feel towards your unnie, that day I swear to the grave of my parents that I will never hurt or leave jisoo, and then I meet you" seulgi said to lisa pointing her tip of the nose makes lisa chuckled.

" And I saw how jisoo loves you, and that makes me more falling in love with her, then you I look at you as my own daughter that I wish to have, then when you say bear to me that's the time I know that the two of you will be my center of my life" seulgi said and lisa is looking at her.

" You won't take my unnie?" Lisa asked like a lost child that she is, afraid that her only source of strength and love will be gone.

" Why would I? If I separate you to her do you think your unnie will be happy?" Seulgi asked and lisa shake her head seulgi smile on her.

" There you go, you will be forever be with us, cause you are my forever eldest, I won't hurt your unnie and I won't hurt you lisa, cause i love you" seulgi said with love and sincerety on it, lisa hugged her crying she gain someone loving her unconditionally, makes her relieved that her unnie choose the right person.

" You help us when your future niece and nephew to babysit right?" Seulgi asked she never saw lisa with kids but she knows lisa will be great with them.

" Of course we will play and eat, then play and eat also we will race ........." Lisa keep talking what she will do with her future nephews and nieces, seulgi cant contain her happiness, she listen and listen marking this moment will be in her heart forever.

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