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"  Thank you doctor" jisoo said, doctor gives approval on her travel, every data's she have in italy is already transferred to new hospital, seulgi hired the best doctor, they just need to follow everything no missed treatment proper food and no stress for jisoo for her improvement will be in going, it will take 2 years or less to be announced for her to be cancer free, jisoo is positive on it.

And it's been two months since then, joohyun and jennie talked sincerely and seriously, they help jennie she take session with jieun too and it helps here a lot. Mr. Wu has been transferred in switzerland.


" bear when where going back?' lisa asked her healing is fast, the cast is removed, its minor crack, but still she never go back to ranch since jisoo is still in hospital even though jisoo tells her.

" Hmm waiting for your unnies last session for this coming month, they just wait for another session so they can tell she can" seulgi said she's working through laptop, she do her work in there room, she cant move if she's away with jisoo.

" Bear" lisa whisper eventhough jisoo is sleeping, seulgi hummed.

" The proposal, hawaii or korea?" Lisa asked though seulgi still busy due to construction new home they will stay in korea, she don't want used home, she wants new for jisoo and lisa, but she wants to marry her already, she wants jisoo to feel more special that's why she wants to propose properly.

" Hawaii, before we go back to korea let's stay there for a week, for everyone to relax" seulgi said and lisa smile wide.

" Sunset proposal bear, just the two of you then fireworks, lets party by the next day haha" lisa cover her mouth when she laughed, its shows her excitement.

" You help me right?, You choose the hotel and rooms" seulgi said and lisa nod vigorously and lisa get her laptop and search, she patted lisa head and lisa kiss her cheek shes glad lisa is happy.

" I call someone outside ok, don't want to wake your unnie I'll be back" seulgi said and get her phone, lisa signal her ok.

When seulgi is outside she greet the guards, asked them if they want something to eat, they said they just take some snacks a while ago, they are well taken care that's why they like working with them, they are from generation of family working for MANoban.

" Hello, how are you mr.?" Seulgi asked mr. MANoban , its mr. And mrs as what they fix to call then and by her name.

" Where fine here seulgi, can't wait to see her again it's been so long" mr. MANoban said they flew back to korea a month ago, they saw  lisa once in awhile when they are in italy but didn't interact, lisa is not talking to them, seulgi invite them in hawaii the manoban have rest house there, but seulgi decide to be in resort for jisoos liking to be near in ocean.

" I know, just little while she will be open up, i will tell jisoo when we get there too" seulgi didn't tell it yet cause she don't want to stress jisoo in her healing, they talk more when she saw jennie and joohyun and jieun coming, they wave to her then when they get near that's when the call end also.

" Are you forming a girl group idol, literally you have the same clothes, you know it right?" Seulgi asked, same color, same style in different pattern.

" YESSSS we know we look cute right, we bring the same for jisoo unnie she's our leader" jennie said and she bump seulgi and flip her hair, that hair slap seulgi.

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