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SURPRISE its my first letter for you right,? your unnie loves you so much lisa, your intelligent and selfless and pure for this world, i dont even deserve to have you but guess what im so lucky GOD sent you to me, i know you already know things but if there are things you want answers im here to talk , your burden is also mine , we're each others half you know?!.hihihi

by blood or non blood we are sisters ok, nothing can beat that why im writing this letter coz i miss you already. this is just for a meantime ok stay safe and stay healthy, dont eat too much chocolate lisayaaaa eat vegetables always i dont want to say things that you always do, just stay safe ok. iloveyou my love

i got you your first cellphone, i got a looooot of selfie there also , your bright and you will figured it out how to use it, your genius than i am, and for you to less worried i found the spot where is the stable signal is, the map is inside the box.



" dork!" lisa said after she read the letter and let out some tears for missing her unnie already.

"iloveyou too unnie, goodnight" lisa sleep with a tears un her eyes, she use jisoos blanket and shirt, foe her to know her unnie is still there with her.


lisa woke up early as usual, to start fire, to feed animals they have, horse chicken and one cow and some goats and her pet, she inspect the field too to find some vegetables to have in there house and what to harvest and sell.

" hmm the crops will be ready in a week i can deliver some in the village" lisa pick some onions and tomatoes too.

Lisa fix breakfast coz she will have a long day to prepare for upcoming winter and also to check if there's message from jisoo.


Suelgi is currently in jisoos apartment, to brief her on things to do before they will go jennie.

"Here jisoo some few reminders " suelgi handed few things for jisoo, ipad, phone, organizer, credit card, keys, ids, Bluetooth headset and pack bag.

" jennie always want her coffee latte in morning, if she wakes up dont wake her up, she knows her body clock when to wake up and her schedule you will update her before the schedule meet, even shes a brat shes a professional in her field, iPad is connected to me, you check it always and inquire her if its ok and check it mark i will know and i prepare the things need for her on that event, phone just for jennie and i communication with you, credit card will be use for jennies need like foods other stuff if needed and emergency of course your lunch and dinner, but sometimes jennie usually eats and pay for it even your meal, always wear the earpiece ok when she call answer it, and if you already said her schedule you should be an hour early in her penthouse before she wakes up, coffee , charge her phone, basically your babysitting her jisoo and if she throws tantrums to you remember this dont be scared coz you work for me for her ok just tell me what happen and i try to figure it out" suelgi surely knows how to rap, and jisoo smirk on how easy it is, she may not have degree but she's bright and hard-working person.

" miss kang is that all?." jisoo said in relaxing way and make suelgi surely hit a jackpot to hire jisoo.

" jisoo just suelgi, and here is your allowance for this week it's not part of the salary ok in your line of work with as assistant need it too, and by the way i need few info for like emergency contact in case also and where to wired your salary".while getting her phone to jot it down.

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