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After seulgi hear jisoos confession, she didn't confront jisoo. Seulgi run out she don't know what to do, she feel betrayed and broken.

The girls go back to villa almost midnight, but without seulgi with them.

" I tell her to go with you guys, I can manage  lisa alone" jisoo who is now worried but she thinks as older to them and stay calm.

" Guys listen to me, your from work get rest let me handle this with jongyeon, maybe she just have meetings ok" jisoo convince them cause they really are exhausted, they also think that maybe she have business to deal with.

Lisa sleep already, jisoo scold her earlier and lisa is very sorry. Jongyeon is with jisoo she didn't want too much people to deal with this maybe seulgi is just in business stuff.

" Jongyeon thank you for staying, you can rest now, seulgi will text and call if ever  she's really worked up" jisoo said, jongyeon want to protest but she comply.

Hour after, jisoo cant take it anymore she went outaide and go where seulgi take her last night, she sit on the chair, she sighed and she remembers something. When she hears a noise inside the hut.

" Ohh shot maybe someone is staying here" jisoo thought and shes about to leave then.

" Soo~ yaàah" its loud but muffled, but it's clear that jisoo hear it. Then she get near and hold the knob she twist it good thing it's not locked.

" Ommo seul" jisoo saw seulgi laying flat murmuring some incoherent words but jisoo understand it's her name, jisoo emediately went near to seulgi who's really drunk now.

" Seulgi what happen to you" jisoo carefully lift seulgis head to lay it in her lap.

" Seul, is this because of me, I'm sorry" jisoo is now sure that seulgi hear her earlier, cause she hear a door being slam.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry" jisoo is crying seeing seulgi face in pain jisoo feel that seulgi loves her so she does. She don't want them to know it cause she is fighting her sickness, she don't want to leave her love ones.

" Soo ~ya~" seulgi said in repeat even in her State so take her phone and send a quick message, she want to accompany seulgi and explain to her everything.

" Eun I'm with seulgi, she knows we will get back in morning kindly look for lisa just make an alibi, I'll explain everything ok. Love yah"


"  unnie" joohyun sighed, she didn't sleep last night she saw jisoo and she follows her, it's really wrong but she cant help it she hears jisoo, when she and seulgi talk even seulgi is drunk.

" Now I know, unnie" joohyun broke her thoughts when lisa sit next to her.

" What unnie and bear doing in temple is there shoot your going to do there?" Lisa asked joohyun, well jieun makes an alibi and that's the only thing she says, she just read the message at the same time lisa woke up.

" Yeah they were just checking the venue they will be back later lili" joohyun said they already know it coz jieun message them too, jennie is still sleeping and chaeyoung too.


" Hmm let's go outside joojoo" lisa asked her smiling which joohyun reciprocate.

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