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After the talk, jieun didn't contact them emediately per jisoo request, they let them to make time for there selves and responsibilities. The day the four arrived they video call jisoo for encouragement.

When they still in the plane, they talks seriously. They sealed there new friendship into hugs, exchange numbers and interest, business mad stuff they all have in common, and they know, its the siblings. But they don't push it now coz it's not important. Time will come if they need to compete to each other they promise to be still friends.

When they arrived in the city they bid see ya later per lisa says and go to separate ways.



" Lisa do you think they know about us?" Limario asked

" I don't know, you think that's why they thought im ill ? Lisa asked also.

" Yeah, do you think its time for us to out?" Luca said

" I'm shy, what if unnie won't like me?" Lily is sad

" Hmmm what should I do then?" Lisa asked

" Like unnie said it for good, so it will good to us too" luca express

" Yeah, unnie wants the best for us" lily

" Hmm you think they will understand us?" Limario

" As long as they won't hurts us and or our love ones if they know our existences" lisa tell them.

" Maybe just one by one, so unnie won't be shock, also our new friends, and limario stay calm ok," lily said

" I try ok, I try just they don't make me angry, and lisa if your hurt again, I'll come ok this time our deal, we will protect unnie" limario said always serious

" Sometimes your annoying you know, you always act cool hahaha" lisa

My day is typical, I'm wondering what happen to ajusshi, I know he lied about his son, but his old that's why I gave him, what if he really just need it and lie because his shy. Yeah it's been a week too since they all go back to city, they never failed to call us, they are all thoughtful. I hear jisoo unnie shouts again and I laugh cause she chokes in between.

" Unnie is so funny" luca said

" What you did this time lily" lisa asked

" I didn't do anything, I went to the kit~~~ OMG I forgot to adjust the heat for the rice before we go here!" Lily panic.

" Aaaaisst I told I do the kitchen today right?" Lisa tell her them.

" I smell the burnt rice now" limario tease

" Lily! What should I do!" Lisa panic to scolded by unnie she saw that her unnie is crossing here arms and jieun unnie signals me I'm dead.

" Just tell them it's lily" luca and Limario said then lily is sulking said her sorry.

" Its now or never" lisa said


" You scared her soo look she's debating if she will come, hahahah"jieun told lisa.

" I can't help it shes so cute when she get scolded, look at that duck face" jisoo said and they laughed, lisa is near when

" Unnie im sorry but it's not me, its lily's fault she forgot to adjust the fire, I'll just clean it please don't get angry" lisa said make jiuen alarmed and jisoo confuse.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now