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Seulgi and chaeyoung is now following lisa, lisa didn't tell them what to do, they just copy what she was doing. She still uncomfortable with chaeyoung.

" Is she always like that?" Chaeyoung whisper to seulgi, even they still have a beef for each other.

" Its just normal, your new to her eyes you'll get used to it" seulgi whisper back, she will never share the secret jisoo shared to her.

" What's with the mask really" chaeyoung whisper again, its getting dark.

" Eeehh joohyun didn't tell you? Cant you see it?" Seulgi asked

" What? What too see?" Chaeyoung is curious though.

" Listen ok, whatever you see just keep your judgement, or I skin you alive" seulgi said with a threat

" Yaah I'm not judgemental, not to my sister in law" chaeyoung said.

" Your! WHAT!?" Seulgi monolid eyes get wide if possible.

" Yeahhh do have problem with that?" Chaeyoung fight back but more calm tone.

" You know you such a thic~~" seulgi has been cut when lisa said

" Grab this one, you corn here chop" lisa handed her an axe to split a big chunk of dried woods.

"Pfffft corn! Hahahah" seulgi is laughing

" Yaaah I'm not corn ok?, Your unnie calls me chipmunk, see this cheek?" Chaeyoung pointing her face.

" Yeah corn, now chop"lisa said

" Yeaaah chop now corn" seulgi said mocking chaeyoung.

" I get you with that!?" Chaeyoung pointing her axe to seulgi, then seulgi act like crying then laugh.

" Bear, get the shovel, clean lucy" Lisa's said.

" Shovel? Who's lucy?" Seulgi is confuse.

" Punishment bear, clean lucy poop shove it then put it on the pale and put it into the pit for a fertilizer" lisa calls her horse lucy, they have a pit for where she makes natural fertilizer, from animals poop to rotten vegetables, ashes in combine.

" HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH" Cheayoung laughing so hard that there's a tear in her eyes.

" Eas~y on me my a~ss" chaeyoung said in between her laugh.

" Aissst, YAHHH stop it this more easy!" Seulgi fight back.

" OMG never seen horse poop in my life, jisoo help" seulgi thought

Lisa just looking at them, chaeyoung is struggling on one chunk, that still not half the axe is stuck on the wood. Seulgi keep poking the poop on shovel, she can't pick it because of the smell, but makes lisa smile because of how funny there faces are.

She stand up to show them the proper way.

" Bear, sorry here let me show you,'" lisa said, she show how to make it easy.

" First get a hay, put it too of the poop, then pick it with the shovel, shove little when you feel the soil part, so it won't stick on shovel" lisa said then.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now